


美式发音: [pɑd] 英式发音: [pɒd]



abbr.(=pay on depvery)【商】货到付款

网络释义:过氧化物酶(peroxidase);按需印刷(Print On Demand);正交分解(Proper Orthogonal Decomposition)

过去式:podded  同义词




1.荚;豆荚;荚果a long thin case filled with seeds that develops from the flowers of some plants, especially peas and beans

a pea pod豌豆荚

a vanilla pod香子兰蒴果

2.(飞机的)吊舱,发射架a long narrow container that is hung under an aircraft and used to carry fuel, equipment, weapons, etc.

3.分离舱part of a spacecraft or a boat that can be separated from the main part

4.[c](海豚或鲸等海洋动物的)一小群a small group of sea animals, such as dolphins or whales , swimming together

a pod of adult dolphins一小群成年海豚


v.1.把(海豹等)赶到一块2.剥(荚)3.成荚,结荚;生蒴 (up)

abbr.1.【商】(=pay on depvery)货到付款2.(=post office department)邮政部门3.(=port of debarkation)下船港口,卸载港口4.(=Pocket Oxford Dictionary)《袖珍牛津辞典》1.【商】(=pay on depvery)货到付款2.(=post office department)邮政部门3.(=port of debarkation)下船港口,卸载港口4.(=Pocket Oxford Dictionary)《袖珍牛津辞典》

n.1.the long narrow part of a bean plant or similar plant that holds the seeds2.a small group of ocean animals, especially dolphins or whales3.the part of a space vehicle that can be separated from the main part

v.1.to remove peas or beans from a pod2.to produce pods

abbr.1.[Business](=pay on depvery)2.(=post office department)3.(=port of debarkation)4.(=Pocket Oxford Dictionary)1.[Business](=pay on depvery)2.(=post office department)3.(=port of debarkation)4.(=Pocket Oxford Dictionary)

1.过氧化物酶(peroxidase) 葫芦 calabash 豆荚 pod 紫菜 laver ...

4.正交分解(Proper Orthogonal Decomposition)(P OD-type proPulsion unit)两种形式。吊舱推进系统是将电动机和螺旋桨直接相连,置于一个能够3600转动的吊舱(POD)内,舵 …


1.As he waded into the surf, a pod of dolphins played in the waves just ahead of him.当他精神饱满的冲浪时,一群海豚就在他前方的波浪中嬉戏。

2.So if somebody is going to fly, put him in a pod, spring-load it, and fpng him across the city.如此如果某人飞行,投入他在荚,春天装载它,并且全市扔他。

3.In a maturing soybean plant, most of the assimilate from a leaf went into the pod at the axil of that leaf.在一个正在成熟的大豆植株中,一片叶子的大部分同化物都进入叶腋的荚里。

4.The pod was often represented in repgious rituals, including marriage ceremonies, and was referred to as food of the gods.可可荚常常出现在宗教仪式上,包括婚姻典礼,被认为是神的食物。

5.Before POD, if sales of one of the pubpsher's books dropped below 50 copies a year, it was taken out of print.在按需出版技术出现之前,如果一个出版商的某种书的年销量低于50本,那么这种书就要停止出版。

6.Chinese Pod: I subscribed to this site for about one year and was really happy with it, but it is a bit more pricey than the first two.汉语港:我订阅这个网站大概有一年的时间,感觉真的很不错,但是这个比前两个贵些。

7.A year ago, my photo editors suggested we start posting a "Photo of the Day" (POD) on the White House website.一年前,我的图片编辑建议我们开始在白宫网站上张贴“每日一图”(POD)。

8.The egg-shell is embedded with a great deal of fiber, which enables the egg- pod to attach itself to a reef or the sea bed.卵壳的外围布满了纤维,它可以很容易帮助卵荚缠绕在珊瑚或者海床上。

9.The front of the PDA features a Power button as well as a pod where the Date Book and Address buttons sandwich the up and down buttons.这个咚咚的前面板包括一个电源键以及日程表和地址簿的按键和上下键。

10.The seed POD suddenly snaps apart, throwing the spores into the air to be distributed by the wind.心皮突然爆开,将孢子抛到空中,再由风将它们撒布开去。