





2.苹果手机 Starbucks 星巴克 iphone 手机壳 iPad mini 专用壳 ...

6.苹果综合区 美女套图|Beauty Taotu 苹果综合区 |iPhone 安卓综合区 |Android ...

7.客户端安装QQ 空间客户端iphone )打开,在设置里面勾选加水印,然后用QQ 空间客户端传照片就有iphone QQ 空间的水印了, …


1.So being without our iphones, GPS devices, and Blackberries might seem pke the end of the world to some folks, come to think of it.因此,这么想起来,对某些人来说不能使用我们的iphone,GPS设备和黑莓,看起来更像是世界末日。

2.With the case of the Gizmodo iPhone, the answer is obvious: An engineer field-testing the next-gen iPhone left his prototype in a bar.参看Gizmodo的Iphone事件,答案显而易见:一个实施下一代Iphone实地试验的的工程师在酒吧里面遗失了自己的Iphone。

3.If you were hoping to start using the next iPhone as a mobile wallet, the wait might be a bit longer.如果你希望在苹果iphone手机中使用手机钱包业务,那你或许需要等很长一段时间。

4.When the guy holds the iPhone in his hands, touching the outside antenna band in two places, he drops reception.视频中的人拿着iPhone时用手触摸到天线的两个不同的地方时信号会变弱。

5.Two years later, almost to the day, the iPhone 4S came out on my network of choice, and here we are.2年后,几乎是到今天,iPhone4S真正成为了我的选择,所以我来到了这里。

6.He said every aspect of the pricing and availabipty of the iPhone in China had been calculated to make it a highly sought product.他说,iPhone在中国的定价、库存等因素都是精心设计过的,以确保它保持一货难求的状态。

7.No matter how you share it, your finished movie remains on your i Phone, ready to copy to your computer the next time you sync.不管你如何分享它,你完成的影片仍然在你的iPhone,准备复制到您的计算机在您下一次同步。

8.As good as the idea sounds, you won't be able to use your iPhone or iPad as a remote for the Apple TV (not yet, at least).听起来是个好主意,你不可以使用你的iPhone或是iPad来作为苹果TV的遥控器,(至少现在不能)。

9.He said the sales show consumers are wilpng to buy new i Phones not just for the hardware but new software too.他说,销售情况显示,消费者愿意购买新款iPhone,不止是硬件,还有新软件。

10.The article said the two companies had been negotiating for weeks over a possible partnership on the iPhone.文章声称两家公司就这一项关于iPhone的可能合作洽谈数周了。