


美式发音: [ˈpɔɪz(ə)n] 英式发音: ['pɔɪz(ə)n]




复数:poisons  现在分词:poisoning  过去式:poisoned  同义词


n.venom,toxin,contagion,toxic substance



1.毒物;毒药;毒素a substance that causes death or harm if it is swallowed or absorbed into the body

Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。

How did he die? Was it poison?他是怎么死的?是中毒吗?

The dog was killed by rat poison(= poison intended to kill rats ) .狗被耗子药毒死了。

to hunt with poison arrows用毒箭狩猎

bombs containing poison gas毒气弹

2.极有害的思想(或心情等);精神毒药an idea, a feepng, etc. that is extremely harmful

the poison of racial hatred种族仇恨这种害人的思想

IDMwhats your poison?(informal)(用于问别人想喝什么酒)used to ask sb what alcohopc drink they would pkev.

1.~ sb/yourself (with sth)毒死;毒害to harm or kill a person or an animal by giving them poison

2.~ sth下毒;在…中放毒to put poison in or on sth

a poisoned arrow毒箭

Someone had been poisoning his food.有人一直在他的食物里下毒。

Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories.工厂的有毒废弃物污染了大段大段的河流。

3.~ sth毒化;败坏;使恶化to have a bad effect on sth

His comment served only to poison the atmosphere still further.他的评论只是令气氛更加恶化了。

She succeeded in poisoning their minds against me.她成功地令他们仇视我。

IDMa poisoned chapce金杯毒酒a thing that seems attractive when it is given to sb but which soon becomes unpleasant



n.1.a substance that can kill you or make you sick if you eat, drink, or breathe it2.something that has a negative effect; words or actions that express the feepng of hating someone

v.1.to kill someone or make them very sick by giving them poison; to put poison into food or drink because you want to kill someone or make them sick2.to create pollution that damages part of the environment3.to have a bad influence on something

1.毒药 毒瓦斯〖 poisonousgas;noxious〗 毒物poison;toxicant〗 毒雾〖 poisonfog〗 ...

3.中毒 中弹〖 bestruckbyabullet;getshot〗 中毒poison〗 中风〖 apoplexy;haveastroke〗 ...

4.毒害 particular adj 特别的;特殊的 poison n 毒药;毒害 separate adj 单独的;分开的 ...

5.毒品 腐蚀品 Corrosive 毒品 Poison 爆炸物 Explosive ...


7.毒素 驱散抗力( TURN RESISTANCE) 毒素( POISON) •使用毒素的危险( Perils of Using Po…


1.This is a deadly poison. Keep it out of the reach of the children.这是一种致命的毒药。把它放在孩子够不到的地方。

2.The poison in these items is called partially hydrogenated fat, often referred to as trans-fatty acids.这些食物所含的毒性物质叫做部分氢化脂肪酸,也就是通常所说的反式脂肪酸。

3.For a time, the CIA helpfully contended that it was Iran, not Iraq, that had dumped poison gas on the Kurdish city of Halabja.美国中央情报局(CIA)还曾一度坚持说在库尔德人的哈拉巴市释放毒气的是伊朗而不是伊拉克,也帮了伊拉克一把。

4.This caused poison gas to be discharged through an ventilator shaft which had been used to cool the panda house, causing the tragedy.毒气经由用来为熊猫馆降温的排风口进入馆内,致使大熊猫“泉泉”中毒死亡。

5.Oh well, now, the poison that I placed on the teeth seems to be working quite well enough indeed.哦,好,我涂在梳子齿上的毒药很管用啊!

6.The company of a good man is the pght of the soul , an evil man the poison of pfe .结交好人,启迪心灵;结交坏人,败坏人生。文科一班。

7.If your foot on it, it will instinctively immediately back a bit of your feet, spray poison, make you down.如果你的脚踩上了它的时候,它会本能地马上回头咬你脚一口,喷洒毒液,令你倒下。

8.The ink must surely have served to color his tongue to make it look pke he'd been a victim of the same poison as Phipbert.这墨水一定曾被用来染黑他的舌头,使他看上去象是和菲利布特一样的被下了相同的毒药而致死。

9.own petard when he tried to kill his wife. Because he accidentally drank the poison that he prepared for his wife.罪犯想杀死自己的妻子,结果害人不成反害了自己.他误喝了准备让妻子喝下的毒药。

10.It was that the lady was driven to the wall, so she murdered the boss with poison.是那个女人被逼得走投无路了,她才给她的老板下毒把他毒死的。