




1.鲍勃迪伦n Kings》 花絮版MV抢先曝光 美国民谣传奇鲍勃迪伦(Bob Dylan)新单曲《Early Roman Kings》原声花絮版MV曝光:这首歌 …

2.巴布狄伦人巴布狄伦Bob Dylan)的素描画,也以蓝色基调的积木表现吉他之神吉米罕醉克斯(Jimi Hendrix)和摇滚皇后珍妮丝卓 普 …

3.鲍伯狄伦鲍伯狄伦(Bob Dylan)美国流行乐界的巨星,畅销单曲包括《随风而逝》。他同时也是作曲家和诗人。

4.巴布迪伦连巴布迪伦Bob Dylan)都因为喜爱这部片,而邀请Glen &Markéta为他的某几场世界巡回演唱会担任暖场嘉宾;甚至他们后来 …

5.鲍布狄伦美国民谣摇滚诗人鲍布狄伦(Bob Dylan)正式被美国艺术与文学学院收编,成为有史以来第一位入围的摇滚歌手。成立於1898年 …


1.In his ramshackle apartment, we belted out Bob Dylan songs as he twirled me across the sloping floorboards.在他破旧的公寓里,我们一边咆哮着鲍勃·迪伦的歌,一边抱在一起转圈圈。

2.Ledger most recently appeared in "I'm Not There, " in which he played one of the many incarnations of Bob Dylan.赖治最后出现在“我不在那里”,在这部影片中他扮演了鲍勃*迪伦的一个化身。

3.In 1965, Bob Dylan released his song "Like a Rolpng Stone" . It is one of his best known and most influential works.1965年,鲍勃•迪伦发布了他的新歌“像一块滚石”,这是他最著名和最具影响力的作品之一。

4.Does your work on Bob Dylan make you cooler in the eyes of your students , or were they born too long after his early work came out ?你的学生有没有因为你研究鲍勃·迪伦而觉得你更酷了?还是他们太小,觉得他早期的作品早就过时了?。

5.Her father was a jazz guitarist, and she remembers Motown, Bob Dylan and classical music being played around the house.她父亲是爵士吉他手,她记得从前家里一直播放着汽车城音乐,鲍勃·狄伦以及古典音乐。

6.Just as pirates dream of finding gold and Bob Dylan fans dream of hearing lost songs, film-makers have visions of the perfect face.电影摄制者对拥有完美容貌的演员的渴求与海盗的寻宝梦一样狂热,又如鲍勃·迪伦歌迷听到失传老歌的梦想一样执著。

7.Don't expect Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan or John Lennon or Yoko Ono or Bob Dylan or Jesus Christ to come and do it for you.不能指望什么吉米-卡特或是罗纳德-里根,约翰-列侬或是大野洋子,鲍伯-迪伦或是耶稣什么的出来替你完成一切。

8.On the train, we talked about Garcia Marquez, Bob Dylan, and absurdist existentiapsm, which made people around us cast side glances at us.一路上,他和我讨论马尔克斯、鲍勃迪伦,荒诞派存在主义,引得旁边的人侧目而视。

9.Instead, Cohen crafted a collection of narrative efforts that enhanced his claims to be a troubadour to rival Bob Dylan.相反,科恩精心制作了一集叙事体的作品,这为他能与鲍勃·迪伦相提并论为游吟诗人增加了筹码。

10.Dignity, as Bob Dylan once said, has never been photographed.尊严,如鲍勃•迪兰所说,无法用照片来记录。