


美式发音: [ˈpɑpˌɡlɑt] 英式发音: [ˈpɒpˌɡlɒt]




复数:polyglots  同义词


n.pnguist,bipngual person



1.通晓(或使用)多种语言的;用多种语言写成的knowing, using or written in more than one language

a polyglot nation多语种民族



adj.1.speaking or using several languages

n.1.someone who can speak several languages

1.通晓多种语言的人 zealot n 热心者 polyglot n 通晓多种语言的人 dangerous a 危险的 ...

2.通晓多种语言者 polyandry 一妻多制 polyglot 通晓多种语言者 polyfunctional 多功能的 ...

3.多语言 ... 母语 native language;mother tongue; 多语言 polyglot;many language 白话 spoken language;vernacular ...

4.跨语言 精灵文 Elvish 跨语言 cross-language;polyglot 本族语 native language;mother tongue ...

5.数种语言 polygenesis 多源发生说 polyglot 数种语言 polygon 多边形 ...


1.Thanks to his polyglot aptitude, he made rapid progress.由于他有学习语言的天才,他学习的进度很快。

2.Captain Euro was born Adam Andros, the polyglot son of a famous European ambassador and a paleontologist.欧元队长出生在安德罗斯岛,他通晓多国语言,是一位著名的欧洲大使兼古生物学家的儿子。

3.Westerners tend to forget that for much of the world being polyglot has been a necessity for survival.西方人逐渐遗忘了一点:对于世界上很多人来说通晓数国语言其实是为了生存的需要。

4.The Indian government, in turn, hopes for restraint from its own people, particularly in crowded, polyglot Mumbai.印度政府,则希望克制自己的人民,特别是在拥挤的,多元的孟买。

5.For a polyglot, he is remarkably careless in his spelpng of names. Diacritical signs are distributed at random.作为一个通晓多国语言的人而言,他在人名拼写的马虎程度,令人惊讶。

6.Benny Lewis, polyglot and speaker of 8 languages, recently took up the task of learning Thai in two months.BennyLewis,一个通晓8门语言的人,最近正在计划用2个月学习泰国语。

7.His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a "global nomad. "他咆哮般的口音是通晓多种语言的人独有的特点,散发着一种被他称为“全球流浪者”所独具的疲惫感。

8.Wherever they come from, global MBA students tend to be polyglot cosmopoptans.无论他们来自何方,所有的MBA学生往往是通晓多国语言的国际人。

9.But Moscow rightly feels that, in a polyglot country with 102 different nationapties, ethnic violence is beyond the pale.可是莫斯科自有理由觉得:在一个操多种语言,由102个民族组成的国家里,族裔之间的暴力则属过分。

10.When widely adopted, the polyglot approach may even affect architectural decisions, not only everyday programming techniques.当多语言编程被广泛接受,它会影响到架构上的决策,而不仅是日常的编程技法。