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n.1.in Roman mythology, the goddess of fruit

1.波莫纳 挤白羊奶 Milking of White Sheep 果树女神 Pomona 跳绳者 Jumping People ...

6.波莫娜 (L.austraps) 波摩那 (L.pomona) 波摩那 (L.pomona) 流感伤寒 ...

8.加州波莫纳位在加州波莫纳Pomona)卫生科学西部大学(Western University of Health Sciences)药学系助理教授暨资深研究员冯(Op…


1.One of these was the festival known as Pomona Day.其中之一就是被称为珀莫拉节的节日。

2.Pomona's only answer was to bend double over her work, slapping tar on the trunks till Vertumnus went away.对此波蒙娜仅有的反应是,把腰弯得更低,使劲拍打树干上的沥青直到维特姆诺斯离开。

3.He won $10, 000 in start-up capitol, and went on to found the business with Pomona College's Nick Friedman (left).他赢取了10000美金作为起始资金,然后他找到了他的合作伙伴洛杉矶波莫纳大学的NickFriedman(左)。

4."David was, of course, a great figure in American letters, " Gary Kates, dean of Pomona College, said in a statement.“毋庸置疑,大卫是美国伟大的作家。”波莫纳学院的院长如是说。

5.Pomona jumped up, furious, and ordered him out of the orchard.波蒙娜一下跳了起来,火冒三丈,命令他离开果园。

6.The couple originally met at their alma mater, Pomona College outside Los Angeles, Capfornia.两人在位于加州洛杉矶外的母校波莫纳学院相遇。

7.Finally, I noted that Pomona College's Allan Barr was psted as the translator of China in Ten Words.最后,我注意到《十个词汇里的中国》英文译者之一是波莫纳大学的阿兰•巴尔。

8.Alas, it was not a divine comedy for Pomona.可惜的是,它不是一个神曲为波莫纳大学。

9.Originate from Pomona in Capfornia, this band is famous for its handmade.这种冰淇淋起源于加州的波莫纳,以纯手工制作著称。

10.Wallace, who had taught creative writing at Pomona College since 2002, was on leave this semester.华莱士,自2002年在坡摩那学院教创作课,本学期离开。