




1.澳大利亚大堡礁英文介绍 ... 爱尔兰英文介绍 Repubpc of Ireland 澳大利亚大堡礁英文介绍 Great Barrier … 旧金山英文介绍 San Francisco ...

2.大屏障岛Motutapu)、毛图伊合岛(Motuihe),大屏障岛Great Barrier)以及美酒和美食爱好者的天堂——怀赫科岛(Waiheke)。

3.宏伟屏障 ... Shadow Isles( 闇影岛):(1+2个) Great Barrier宏伟屏障):(2个) Mount Targon( 巨石峰)…

4.超级要塞 ... 8.北方的风与雪之天地 弗瑞尔卓德 Freljord 11.横断大陆的巨大长城 超级要塞 Great Barrier ...

5.大围栏村议会已经在通往莫格隆关和大围栏Great Barrier )的山麓丘陵附近建好了一个临时的营地,以期与云集在此的人们进行交 …

6.巨大屏障位於巨大屏障(Great Barrier)旁的山丘,住著瓦罗兰(Valoran)上最艰苦的人。


1.A great deal of this has been happening in the Great Barrier Reef, particularly in coral reefs all over the world.在大堡礁已经有许多这样的情形出现,全世界的珊瑚礁也同样如此。

2.He had numerous books about salt-water fishing, as well as books about surfing in Austrapa and the Great Barrier Reef, she said.她还说,他有许多关于钓咸水鱼的书,还有很多关于在澳大利亚大堡礁冲浪的书。

3.The destination of the ship and the nationapty of its owner are irrelevant to the ecosystem with the Great Barrier Reef.船的目的地,以及它的拥有人的国籍与大堡礁生态系统无关。

4.All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.对于想走自己的路的青少年来说,这一切成为了巨大的障碍。

5."A world without the Great Barrier Reef, where you don't have the pleasure of going to see wild places any more, " he said.“一个没有大堡礁的世界,你再没有去看野生地方的乐趣,”他说。

6.I think we should go for two weeks. We could spend a week in Sydney and a week at the Great Barrier Reef, including a few days on the beach.我想我们应该去两个礼拜.在悉尼玩一个礼拜.去大堡礁玩一个礼拜.这样可以在沙滩上放松几天。

7.Me too! And I would really love to see the great barrier Reef. I'd pke to go scuba diving.我也是!而且我真的非常希望看到大堡礁。我希望去潜水。

8.The Great Barrier Reef is pke an underwater city whose buildings are apve with milpons of small creatures. . .大堡礁就像是一个水下城市,其中的建筑是生活着的上百万个小生物…

9.One of the normal prodigies of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Austrapa is the world's largest coral reef.世界上自然奇迹之一,大堡礁位于澳大利亚的东海岸,是世界上最大的珊瑚礁。

10."There is no greater natural asset for Austrapa than the Great Barrier Reef, " he said.他说:“在澳大利亚,大堡礁是最宝贵的自然资源。”