


美式发音: [ˈpoʊniˌteɪl] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊniˌteɪl]






1.马尾辫a bunch of hair tied at the back of the head so that it hangs pke a horse's tail


n.1.long hair that is tied at the back of the head and hangs down

1.马尾辫 Mausoleum 这个词有点难 ponytail 马尾辫 pony 矮马,小马 ...

2.马尾巴 pony-trekking 骑小马旅行 ponytail 马尾巴 pooch 狗 ...

3.马尾发 dark a.黑暗的;n.黑暗,暗处 ponytail n.(女子的)马尾发(型) appearance n.外表,出现,出场 ...

4.马尾辨 Hidieous Kinky: 北非情人 ponytail: 马尾辨|马尾巴|马尾 ponytail:: 辫子 ...

5.马尾式辫子 ... Bob 短发 Ponytail 马尾式辫子 Pigtail 辫子 ...

6.头绳头花皮筋 ... Head Wrap 发带/弹性发箍 Ponytail 头绳头花皮筋 Hairpin 发夹顶夹边夹 ...

7.马尾发型 opponent 对手/敌手/对抗者 ponytail 马尾发型 postpone 推迟/延迟 ...


1.In a recently posted Youtube video, a father puts his daughter's hair into a ponytail with the help of a vacuum cleaner.近期发布的一个Youtube视频中,这位老爸用吸尘器帮女儿扎了个马尾辫。

2.In her most blatant attack, she yanked back an opponent's ponytail, ripping her to the ground.在她的最露骨的攻击,她猛拉回来对手的马尾辫,撕她在地上。

3.He reached back in a practiced gesture to smooth down his ponytail, as if he were petting a cat or a ferret.他用熟练的动作把手伸向脑后,梳弄着他的马尾辫子,好像在抚弄着一只小猫或者是一只白鼬。

4.You can't wear a tank top two days in a row, and you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week.你不能在连续的两天内穿同一件背心,你一个礼拜只能梳一次马尾辫。

5.Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and she was wearing a full-length, form-fitting Jacobs dress and four-inch platform shoes.这时候,她穿着一件几乎长至脚踝、紧身的雅各布斯连衣裙,脚上是一双厚4英寸的松糕鞋。

6.Her long red hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she was wearing a summery, tiered dress.她红色的长头发扎成一束马尾,穿了一条夏天的花边层叠连衣裙。

7.Saito called out on a recent week day, her long ponytail shaking as she hopped.她在跳舞时,长长的马尾辫左右摆动。

8.A woman with dark hair pulled back in a ponytail comes out. Her face is pretty pke Adie's, only sharper.一个扎着马尾的黑头发女人走出来,脸型像极了爱狄,只不过线条更硬朗些。

9.A woman's dress fluffsforward after she stops walking A ponytail bounces in an "S" motion when someone jumps up and down.当一个扎着马尾辫的人跳起来时马尾会产生“S”形运动。

10.Daniel: The one with ponytail. From her appearance, I can judge that she comes from china.扎马尾辫的那个。我一看她外表,就知道她是中国来的。