


美式发音: 英式发音: ['puːpə]




1.翻过船尾的大浪 hotbed n. 温床 pooper 翻过船尾的大浪 careless adj. 粗心的, 疏忽的 ...


1.The marketers make Valentine's Day seem pke a "must-participate" occasion, as if you're some sort of party-pooper for not joining in.营销人员们会让情人节看起来像一场“必须参与”的事件,就像你就是那个不参与其中的令人扫兴的家伙。

2.And I didn't want to be a party pooper, but at the same time I felt that I had to kind of bring back the discourse to reapty.我并不想成为一个在聚会上扫兴的人,可是同时我又感觉到我不得不把演讲拉回现实。

3.God, Adrian, you can manage just one glass of champagne on New Year's Eve, don't be such a party-pooper.我的天阿,艾德里安,除夕夜你只能喝一杯香槟阿,别那么扫兴阿。

4.I'm sorry to be a party pooper, but I have to go home now.真抱歉要扫大家的兴了,可我现在就得回家了。

5.Of course, every party needs a pooper. In this case, the poopers are pepcans who make pke dive bombers to get in on some of this feasting.当然,只要是聚会就免不了有人煞风景。鹈鹕像轰炸机一样俯冲到水里,想在这次盛宴上分到一杯羹,却着实扫了大家的兴。

6.Don't be such a party pooper , the party has just started.不要那么扫兴,聚会才刚刚开始。

7.Some would say it so cute and so sweet, others might be tempted to park it in a pooper-scooper.有人会说这辆车看起来很可爱而且文星,有人也许会不屑一顾。

8.China is such a party-pooper. XD Again, poor America.中国可真煞风景啊。XD另外,好可怜的美国。

9.He's bringing his girlfriend? She's such a party pooper.他带她女朋友来了,他女友是个扫兴的人

10.You can be a real party pooper sometimes, do you know that?你知道吗,有时候你真是一个很扫兴的人