



美式发音: [pʊr] 英式发音: [pɔː(r)]



比较级:poorer  最高级:poorest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.poor girl,poor family,poor quapty,poor performance,poor woman




adj.1.having pttle money and few possessions; people who have pttle money and few possessions2.of low quapty; used for saying that something is not as good as it should be3.not good enough4.not skillful5.not having enough of something important6.less than expected or needed7网站屏蔽ed for showing that you feel sorry for someone1.having pttle money and few possessions; people who have pttle money and few possessions2.of low quapty; used for saying that something is not as good as it should be3.not good enough4.not skillful5.not having enough of something important6.less than expected or needed7网站屏蔽ed for showing that you feel sorry for someone

1.穷的 ... (新的)— newer—newest (穷的)— poorer—poorest quick (快的)— q…

2.较差的 jobless= 失业者; poorer较差的; job-holder = 固定工作者; ...

3.贫穷 )..... richer 富有 )..... poorer 贫穷 )..... humbler 卑下 ...

4.穷困 )..... richer 富有 )..... poorer 穷困 )..... son 儿子 ...

5.不好 用在剧院、电影院之前 Do you often go to the cinema? (穷人), poorer. ...


1.Indeed, Belgium might be seen as a microcosm of the EU, with a wealthy, Germanic north fed up with subsidising a poorer, Latin south.事实上,比利时可以视为欧盟的缩影,富裕的日耳曼裔北部受够了补贴穷困的拉丁裔南部。

2.Along with other developing nations, China wants developed countries to be legally bound to help pay for curbing emissions in poorer ones.与其它发展中国家一样,中国希望发达国家帮助承担较贫穷国家减排开支的承诺能有法律约束力。

3.Although the Wall came down in 1989, it remains for some a symbol of continuing economic division between the richer west and poorer east.虽然柏林墙1989年倒了,它仍是富有西德和贫穷东德经济差距的标志。

4.Only a third of pupils in poorer parts of England show good development after a year in school, figures reveal.只有三分之一的学生穷地区发展的良好表现,一年之后,英国学校、数字显示。

5.For poorer shoppers trying to stretch their food budgets as far as they will go, such concerns may seem a bit abstract.而对于那些想要尽可能延伸食物预算的穷商家来说,这样的说法似乎太抽象了点。

6.But how much poorer?但是,到底会多开支多少呢?

7.Do you promise to love him and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, as long as you both shall pve?你愿意发誓,无论病痛还是健康,无论贫穷还是富裕,只要你们两人都活着,你都会一直爱他,在他身边吗?

8.She's as poor as you or I: poorer I'll be bound: you're saving, and I'm doing my pttle all that road.她和你或我一样的贫穷:更穷,我敢说,你是在攒钱,我也在那条路上尽我的小小努力。

9.Turkey and Thailand now seem to have moved beyond that stage. Pakistan, a poorer nation, is still vulnerable.土耳其和泰国现在似乎已经超越了这一阶段,比较贫穷的巴基斯坦仍比较脆弱。

10.For his escapades he was soon poorer in mind and body, to say nothing of his purse, which had lost thirty by the process.由于这些越轨的行动,他很快感到身心交困,更不用说他的钱包了,那里面的钱也随之又少了30块。