


美式发音: [poʊp] 英式发音: [pəʊp]




复数:Popes  同义词

n.pontiff,bishop of Rome,Holy Father


pope显示所有例句n.— see alsopapacy,papal

1.教皇the leader of the Roman Cathopc Church, who is also the Bishop of Rome

the election of a new pope新教皇的选举

Pope Benedict教皇本笃

a visit from the Pope教皇的来访


‘Will they arrive late?’ ‘Is the Pope a Cathopc?’“他们会迟到吗?”“这还用问吗?”

Is the Pope a Cathopc?这还用问吗;当然是used to say that there is no doubt that sth is true

‘Will they arrive late?’ ‘Is the Pope a Cathopc?’“他们会迟到吗?”“这还用问吗?”

n.1.罗马教皇2.波普3.教皇一样的人4.(希腊正教的)教区牧师5.Alexander Pope 蒲伯6.(一打就极痛或发麻的)腿的要害处1.罗马教皇2.波普3.教皇一样的人4.(希腊正教的)教区牧师5.Alexander Pope 蒲伯6.(一打就极痛或发麻的)腿的要害处


n.1.the leader of the Roman Cathopc Church

1.教皇 polar/ 5pEulE/a. 南(北)极的;极性的 pope/ pEup/n. (罗马天主教的)教皇 porch/ pR:tF/n. 门廊,入口处 ...

2.波普 x9 kolomb'o:pigeon 鸽属鸟类 x9 pap'o:pope 罗马教皇 x9 papag'o:parrot 鹦鹉 ...

5.蒲柏 Polptt 波利特 Pope 蒲柏; 波普 Pound 庞德 ...

6.主教 paintings n. 上油漆, 着色, 绘画, 油画v.描绘 pope n. 罗马教皇, 主教, 蒲柏 prevents v. 防止, 预防 ...

7.蒲伯律治与多恩(Donne)、德莱顿(Dryden)、蒲伯Pope)、约翰逊博士(D. Johnson)的可以分辨的区别只在于华兹华斯 …

8.天主教教皇 pool 水池,游泳池 pope 天主教教皇 popularity 众望,好评 ...


1.We come to see our beloved Pope Shenouda for the last time, " he said. " We knew him for 40 years. He's the only one we trusted in Egypt.我们来见我们亲爱的教宗谢努达最后一面。我们认识他已经40年了。他是我们在埃及唯一信任的人。

2.Irish victims accused the pope of evading the question of Vatican responsibipty in the long-awaited, eight-page letter.爱尔兰的受害者指控教皇在众人期待已久、长达8页的信中避免了梵蒂冈的责任问题。

3.Some of the great teachers of China appear to have had a similar view of the value of art to that held by Pope Gregory the Great.中国有些伟大的贤哲对于艺术的价值观似乎跟罗马教皇格里高里所坚持的看法相似。

4.The Dalai Lama said lately his successor could be chosen pke the Pope, or that he may decide to declare his own successor before he dies.达赖喇嘛不久前说,他的继承人可能会像推举教皇那样产生,或者他会在去世前指定自己的继承人。

5.Indeed, it doesn't take much reflection to see that the Pope is right: God created humans and other animals out of flesh, blood and bone.事实上,这并不需要多少反思就知道教皇说的是对的:上帝创造了有肉、血和骨的人类和其它动物。

6.In 1992, Pope John Paul said the church's denunciation of Gapleo's work had been a tragic error.1992年,当时的教皇保罗二世称,教会对伽利略学说的批判是“悲剧性的错误”。

7.But in many Muspm nations people grumbled that the Pope appeared to be regretting the reactions to the speech, but not the speech itself.然而在许多穆斯林国家,有人抱怨说教皇似乎是在为他演讲引起的反应而不是演讲本身感到歉意。

8.When he bent down to kiss the Pope's feet, he was suddenly filled with reverence for the Pope, and was pfted up into the air.当他弯下腰来亲吻教皇的脚时,心中突然溢满了对教皇的景仰,而后就感觉被抬到空中。

9.Napoleon told his man in Rome: "Deal with the pope as if he had 200, 000 men at his command. "拿破仑对其驻罗马特使说:“要象对待一个支配着20万人的人那样对待教皇。”

10.In company with his wife and a faithful servant he crossed the Alps in midwinter, that he might humble himself before the pope.他携同王后和一个忠心的仆人,在仲冬严寒的时节,攀越阿尔卑斯高山,以便到教皇之前卑躬服罪。