




1.端口扫描再例如, 一个攻击者发起一个端口扫描(port-scan), 相应的防 火墙将会产生数以千计的报警, 同时各个网络入侵检测系统 也 …


1.The simplest form of a TCP port scan is to open a connection to all ports on a host.TCP端口扫描的最简单形式是打开一个到主机所有端口的连接。

2.Essentially, a port scan consists of sending a message to each port, one at a time.从本质上讲,一个端口扫描发送讯息给每个端口组成,一次一个。

3.However, a port scan initiated from an external machine might reveal open ports that should normally be closed.然而,端口扫描开始从外部机可能会发现,通常应关闭的开放端口。

4.This paper introduces the port scan and Trojan horse detection model pieces in it.这里主要介绍其中的端口扫描和木马检测两个模块。

5.Port port scan computer program apppcations and the role of development, for reference.计算机端口扫描端口程序应用和开发的作用,供参考。

6.This setting also provides port scan and password-setting protections.该设置还提供端口扫描和密码设置保护。

7.in several cases it reported a port-scan attack and blocked the "attacker" for half an hour.在几项测试中,它报告说有端口扫描攻击半将“攻击者”阻止半个小时。

8.You can do a port scan on all hosts that you check or just an individual host.您可以对所检查的所有主机、或者单个主机进行端口扫描。

9.For example, if you perform a port scan on a single host, then you can get a very good idea of what the machine is doing.例如,如果针对某台主机执行一次端口扫描,那么您就可以很清楚地了解到这台计算机正在进行什么样的操作。

10.Several Techniques with Security Threats Used in Port Scan构成安全威胁的几种端口扫描技术