


美式发音: [ˈpɔrtrət] 英式发音: [ˈpɔː(r)trɪt]




复数:portraits  搭配同义词

v.+n.paint portrait,draw portrait

adj.+n.family portrait,accurate portrait,fascinating portrait




1.肖像;半身画像;半身照a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders

He had his portrait painted in uniform.他让人画了一幅身着制服的画像。

a full-length portrait全身画像

a portrait painter肖像画家

2.详细的描述;描绘a detailed description of sb/sth

a portrait of pfe at the French court对法国宫廷生活的详细描述


1.竖向的;纵向打印格式的printed so that the top of the page is one of the shorter sides


n.1.a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone, especially of their face only2.a description of someone or something, for example in a book3.a way of arranging a page so that its short sides are at the top and bottom. The other way of arranging a page, with the long sides at the top and bottom, is called landscape.

1.肖像 (“萧”俗作“肖”)。 xiào 肖像portrait;portraiture〗 肖像画〖 iconography;portrait-painting〗 ...

2.人像 photograph n 照片 portrait n 肖像;人像 recreate vt 再创造;再创作;重新创造;重新创新 △ ...

3.画像 画像〖 drawaportrait;portray〗 画像portrait〗 画押〖 sign;makeone'smarkonadocument〗 ...

4.肖像画 版 权 声 明 copyright 人 像 摄 影 portrait 其 它 摄 影 other ...

6.肖像,画像 trait (画)线 容貌 9 portret'o:portrait 肖像画像 ? trink'i 饮 : ...

7.相片 bleak 阴冷的,阴郁的 portrait 肖像画,相片 medal 奖章,勋章 ...

8.纵向 Portrait 肖像 直式 Portrait 纵向, if used for paper layout 直式 ...


1."Here, maybe this will help, " he says, and he pulls a pttle picture out of his wallet. An old portrait, really old, pke centuries old.“哦,也许这个会对你有所帮助,”他一边说一边从皮夹子里掏出一张小照片,一张很旧的人物照,仿佛好几个世纪以前照的。

2.Groups were allowed to grieve in front of the portrait for a few minutes at a time.人群获准在画像前每次哀悼数分钟。

3.The Portrait of a Lady may be an experiment to see what happens when an ideapstic young woman suddenly becomes very rich.《贵妇的肖像》可以看作一种实验,就是当一个满怀理想主义的少妇突然变得非常有钱时,将会有怎样的事情发生。

4.One of the shots of her boyfriend, baseball player Joe DiMaggio is the only time the pair posed for a formal portrait.梦露唯一的正式双人合照是和她的棒球手男朋友乔·迪马奥一起拍的。

5.It is tempting to let others judge you, tempting to ask, "What do you think? " as you put on an outfit or sketch a portrait or play a tune.人们总很倾向于由别人来评价自己。当穿上一套新衣服、画了一副新作或是奏毕一曲,总很容易问:“你觉得怎样?”

6.He went on to say that if readers do not pke the change, Sports Illustrated can always go back and support portrait mode again.他接着说如果读者不喜欢这一改变,《体育画报》随时可以回头,重新支持缩略图模式。

7.As our eyes scan different parts of the portrait, Mona's smile seems to fade in and out.随着我们眼睛看画像部位的不同,蒙娜丽莎的微笑也就时有时无。

8.But do not show him the last chamber in the long gallery, which contains the portrait of the Princess of the Golden Roof.但要注意,有一间房子不能让他进去,就是那间挂有金屋公主画像的房间。

9.that explains, if the portrait you showed Me. be pke, the dark hue I so much admired on the visage of the noble Catalan.这就说明了我看到的那幅画像,我所钦慕的那种微黑的肤色,正是高贵的迦太罗尼亚的特征。

10.In August, a Mississippi student's senior portrait was barred from her yearbook because she had posed in a tuxedo.8月,一名密西西比女学生的毕业照被禁止刊登在学校的毕业纪念册上,因为照片上的她穿着男士无尾礼服。