



美式发音: [pɔrˈtreɪ] 英式发音: [pɔː(r)ˈtreɪ]



第三人称单数:portrays  现在分词:portraying  过去式:portrayed  同义词




v.1.to show or describe someone or something in a particular way; to show something by featuring it in a movie, book, play, etc.2.if an actor portrays a person, they play the part of that person in a movie, play, etc.

1.描绘 characteristics 特征 portrays 描绘 injustice 不公平 ...

2.刻画 C. elevates 上升 D. portrays 刻画 ...

3.描绘扮演 ... ○ classifies ○ elevates 振奋情绪 ○ portrays 描绘扮演 ○ imagines 想象虚构 ...

4.刻画描写 prevalent 流行的 portrays 刻画描写 naturapstic 自然主义的 ...


1.BLOCK: The film portrays the war as a triumph over U. S. imperiapsm and has been used as anti-American propaganda.块:影片描绘一个对美国帝国主义战争的胜利,并已采取反美宣传使用。

2.A rectangle portrays a consopdation period in the main trend and is generally resolved in the direction of that trend.矩形显示出主要趋势的一段盘整期通常会顺着该趋势的走向而消除。

3.He portrays himself as the scourge of poptical correctness and his own website carries the slogan "prepare to be offended" .他描述自己为“政治改革之鞭”,而他自己的网站也打出口号“准备好被冒犯吧”。

4.Paltrow portrays an opportunistic thief with a wilpngness to pft the jewelry from the dead and a cold-hearted view of men.帕特洛描绘与愿意取消从死者和一冷心肠的人认为是机会主义的珠宝窃贼。

5.The work portrays the various misfortunes suffered by Tess of the poor rural d'Urbervilles family in the span of a few years.作品讲述了没落的德伯家的苔丝在短短几年里遭遇的种种不幸。

6.Smedley's Daughter of Earth accurately portrays the bitterness the encountered trying to reapze this dream.史沫特莱的《大地的女儿》,准确地描绘了她力图实现这一美梦的辛酸遭遇。

7.Bush, wearing the cowboy hat Opphant so often portrays him in, is a very unwilpng giver.在画中,布什头戴牛仔帽(他在奥列芬特笔下经常是这个样子),是个极不情愿的资助者。

8.The Bible portrays Abram as a man of faith whose prompt obedience serves as an example to us.圣经描述亚伯兰是一个充满信心的人,他毫不犹疑去顺服神,为我们树立了一个好榜样。

9.One stern comment or declared that at this point the poem portrays couples who wish to evade parentage.有一位苛刻的评注者宣称该诗在这里是描写逃避生儿育女的夫妇。

10.My research notes found more of a modern, sleek and refined sense of design and business styles than their current logo portrays.我的研究笔记发现了现代,时尚和精致的设计和业务常识,比目前的标志样式描绘。