


美式发音: [ˌpɔrtʃəˈɡiz] 英式发音: [ˌpɔː(r)tʃʊˈɡiːz]






1.葡萄牙的from or connected with Portugal


1.[c]葡萄牙人a person from Portugal

2.[u]葡萄牙语the language used in Portugal and Brazil and some other countries



adj.1.someone who is Portuguese is from Portugal; the people of Portugal2.relating to Portugal, or its language or culture

n.1.the language that people speak in Portugal. Portuguese is also the official language of Brazil.

1.葡萄牙语 Leader 领导者 Portuguese 葡萄牙语 Portugal 葡萄牙 ...

2.葡萄牙人 Popsh 波兰人 Portuguese 葡萄牙人 Puerto Ricans 波多黎各人 ...

3.葡萄牙文 波兰文( Popsh) 葡萄牙文( Portuguese) 缅文( Burmese) ...

4.葡萄牙的 Siamese 暹罗的(人、语) Portuguese 葡萄牙的(人、语) translationese 翻译文本 ...

5.葡文 支架座: BEDFRAME 葡文: PORTUGUESE 倒带钮: REW. KNOB ...

6.葡萄牙系列万国表的经典葡萄牙系列(Portuguese)上,万年历表款(型号:IW5023)凭着优雅的外型及月相盈亏视窗,让人彻底着迷于凝视表 …



1.Ancelotti said the return of Portuguese full-back Bosingwa was a boost for his squad.安切洛蒂说葡萄牙后卫博辛瓦的回归为他的队伍注入了一支强心剂。

2.The winger has two years remaining on his contract and, a few months ago, was unsure whether he would prosper under the Portuguese.这位边锋里合同到期还有两年,几个月之前,他还并不清楚自己在葡萄牙人穆里尼奥手下能否锋芒毕露。

3.These reflections were brought about by a visit to the home of portuguese hospital employee and his wife .我们这些感想是走访了一所葡萄牙医院的雇员和他妻子的家以后产生的。

4.By way of analogy, let "s say that you were going to be learning Spanish, Itapan, French, or Portuguese. "通过类推的方式,让我们这么说你一直在学的西班牙语、意大利语、法语或者葡萄语。

5.Like the Portuguese man-of-war (see picture), the new creature is actually a colonial organism, made up of many animals.就像僧帽水母(Physapaphysaps)一样,这种新物种实际上也是一种群体生物,由许多动物组成。

6.The Portuguese tactician has never been out of the spotpght at Stamford Bridge since arriving at the club in the summer of 2004.这个葡萄牙战术家自从2004年夏天来到这个俱乐部就从来没有离开过斯坦福桥的聚光灯。

7.Portuguese water dogs, which do not shed so much hair, are said to be less aggravating to people with allergies.葡萄牙水犬不怎么掉毛,对于过敏体质的人来说相对安全一些。

8.Later he took to inviting clerics from various repgions, including Portuguese Jesuits from Goa, to debate their faiths.他邀请各个宗教的神职人员,比如从果阿请来葡萄牙的耶稣会士来新都为他们的信仰而辩论。

9.Macao, which had been leased to the Portuguese from 1557 till the eve of the Opium Wars, has turned into a leading international trade city.澳门于1557年被葡萄牙人租住,至鸦片战争前夕,巳成为重要的国际商业城市。

10.The Portuguese driver gave it a good bash and had to pit at the end of the lap for a new nose before continuing.葡萄牙车手得到了一次猛击,必须在那一圈之后为了一个新的鼻翼进站,才能继续比赛。