


美式发音: [ɪˈrɑːk] 英式发音: [ɪ'rɑ:k]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Iraq, located in southwest Asia

1.伊拉克 Indonesia( 印度尼西亚) Iraq( 伊拉克) Ireland( 爱尔兰) ...

2.伊拉克共和国 Iran 伊朗 Iraq 伊拉克共和国 Japan 日本 ...

3.伊拉克国庆日 14日 法国国庆日( france) 17日 伊拉克国庆日( iraq) 20日 哥伦比亚国庆日( colombia) ...

4.第三次出访伊拉克 2007.08.Iraq and Syria( 伊拉克和叙利亚) 2009.07.iraq第三次出访伊拉克) 2010.02.Haiti( …

5.伊朗 印度尼西亚 Iran 伊朗 Iraq 伊拉克 Ireland ...

6.伊拉克地图 印度地图( India) 伊拉克地图( Iraq) 以色列地图( Israel) ...



1.This was exaggerated by one-off repef to Iraq and Nigeria, which boosted the 2005 total and began to drop out of the calculation in 2006.对伊拉克和尼日利亚的一次性债务减免提高了2005年的援助总额,但不在2006年的计算之外,因此实际降幅有所夸大。

2.He has said he wants to transfer some of the concepts used in Iraq to the increasingly difficult fight in Afghanistan.他曾表示,希望把在伊拉克使用的一些概念应用到日益艰难的阿富汗战争中去。

3.We have no ambition in Iraq, except to remove a threat and restore control of that country to its own people.我们在伊拉克没有任何的野心,我们只是想消除一个威胁,使伊拉克人民恢复对国家的控制。

4.It was no secret the U. S. was considering compulsory Iraq service for its diplomatic corps, but the e-mails sparked outrage nevertheless.美国正在考虑强制性地派外交团队前往伊拉克,这已经不是什么秘密了。但是,这些电子邮件还是引发了一片愤怒。

5.This would be a huge step, threatening an open-ended entanglement, though Libya's population is only a fraction of Iraq's or Afghanistan's.这会是一个很大的动作,虽然利比亚人口仅是伊拉克或阿富汗的几分之一,但仍可能导致一场结局未知的僵局。

6.Thousands of Marines there have been sent to Iraq, and thousands more are getting ready to be deployed to Afghanistan.那里已有数以千计的海军陆战队人员被派往伊拉克,而且还有数以千计的人员准备部署到阿富汗。

7."We do not operate detention facipties on board Navy ships. DoD detention facipties are in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, " he said.他说“我们的海军舰艇上没有关押设施,国防部的关押设施在伊拉克,阿富汗和关塔迪纳摩”

8.In 2002 Mr Bush lumped Iraq, North Korea and Iran together in an "axis of evil" and said he would stop them acquiring nuclear weapons.2002年,布什先生将伊拉克,朝鲜和伊朗归为“邪恶轴心”国家,并说会阻止他们拥有核武器。

9.When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, Tom Lynch and his fellow contractors decided to get out of Iraq while they still could.当萨达姆侯赛因1990年入侵科威特时,TomLynch和他的承包商伙伴们决定在还可以离开的时候离开伊拉克。

10.And, a group of celebrities, accompanied by the head of the Pentagon, arrived in Baghdad to help boost morale among U. S. troops in Iraq.另外,美国参谋长联席会议主席迈尔斯在一批知名人士的陪同下抵达巴格达,以期提高驻伊拉克美军的士气。