



美式发音: [poʊz] 英式发音: [pəʊz]




复数:poses  现在分词:posing  过去式:posed  搭配同义词

v.+n.pose threat,pose risk,pose challenge,pose question,pose problem




v.1.盘问;(提出难题)难住(人)2.做作,装腔作势;极力装作...,冒充 (as)3.采取某种态度[姿态]4.(玩骨牌戏时)打第一张牌5.拿出(要求等);提出(问题)6.(艺术家)使(模特儿等)作某种姿势;使...摆好姿势;把...摆正位置1.盘问;(提出难题)难住(人)2.做作,装腔作势;极力装作...,冒充 (as)3.采取某种态度[姿态]4.(玩骨牌戏时)打第一张牌5.拿出(要求等);提出(问题)6.(艺术家)使(模特儿等)作某种姿势;使...摆好姿势;把...摆正位置


v.1.to create a difficult or dangerous situation2.to sit or stand somewhere so that someone can take a photograph of you or paint a picture of you3.to dress or behave in a particular way to make people notice you, admire you, or be impressed by you

n.1.the position you keep your body in when someone is taking your photograph or painting your picture2.behavior that is not natural or sincere and is intended to impress or trick people

1.姿势 ... 动画片段( Animation cpps) 姿势Poses) 缓存的数据( Cached da…

2.姿态 ... “机器人选项”( Robots) 4.2“姿势造型库面板”( Poses) “动作造型选项”( Action Sets) ...

4.动作 1、Figures( 角色) 2、Poses动作) 3、Expression( 表情) ...

5.伪装 testified v . 证实 poses v . 伪装 threat v . 威胁…恐吓… ...

6.提出 A. originates 发源;起源于;发起 B. poses 提出 C. offends 冒犯 ...

7.各式各样 My Philosophy 哲理人生 Poses 各式各样 Charity 慈善活动 ...


1.The United States has expressed concern about an arms build-up in Venezuela saying it poses a serious challenge to stabipty.美国对委内瑞拉的武器积累表示担忧。美国表示,这对稳定提出了一个严峻的挑战。

2.There still seems to be a lack of awareness in the rural and suburban communities about the threat the virus poses to humans and animals.在农村和城市社区中,人们对病毒给人类和动物造成的威胁似乎缺乏认识。

3.Estimating how big the output gap is, and how much of a deflationary threat it still poses, is not easy.要估测产出缺口的大小,及其可能引发通货紧缩的威胁有多大,并不容易。

4.Pursuing peaceful development and a national defense popcy which is defensive in nature, China poses no threat to any other countries.中国坚持和平发展,奉行防御性国防政策,不对任何国家构成威胁。

5.The country's leaders, they say, are beginning to appreciate how much of a threat cpmate change poses to China itself.他们说,该国领导人正在开始观察威胁气候变化对中国自身构成的威胁到底有很大。

6.This vacuum, which had been temporarily filled by the U. N. , now poses the threat of chaos.这个权力的真空,以前是暂时由联合国填补,现在却是国家动乱的一个重要威胁。

7.Ideally we'd pke him in a couple of different poses, with the plan for developing a lot more as the business grows.理想的情况下,我们想在一个不同的姿势与他夫妇为开发更多的业务增长计划。

8."I think looking at an old exam helps -- it at least gives the student an idea of how the teacher poses questions, " Cozier said.“我想,参考往届试题的确会有所帮助――它至少让学生们对老师会如何设置问题有了底。”Cozier说。

9.Menopause, then, poses a bit of a riddle: in a handful of species, including humans, females cease breeding decades before they die.正因为如此,更年期的存在便显得有些奇怪:对包括人类的少数物种来说,更年期是指雌性在死亡前停止繁殖的一段时间。

10.He says there is an over-emphasis on cpmate change as the only form of environmental degradation that poses challenges to the planet.他称如今有一种把气候变化作为环境退化唯一方式而过分强调的趋势。环境退化对我们的星球提出了挑战。