


美式发音: [ˌpoʊs(t)ˈɡrædʒʊət] 英式发音: [ˌpəʊs(t)ˈɡrædʒʊət]




复数:postgraduates  搭配同义词

adj.+n.postgraduate course


n.student,graduate student



1.研究生a person who already holds a first degree and who is doing advanced study or research; a graduate student

postgraduate students研究生

a postgraduate course研究生课程



adj.1.relating to work or studies done after receiving an advanced degree such as an m.a. or a ph.d.2.relating to study done after receiving your first university degree. The American word is graduate.

n.1.someone who is studying after receiving an advanced degree, such as an m.a. or a ph.d.2.a graduate

1.研究生 本科生 Undergraduate 研究生 Postgraduate 留学生 Oversea Students ...

2.大学毕业后的 postpone 推迟 postgraduate 大学毕业后的 postface 刊后语 ...

3.研究生课程 Undergraduate 大学 Postgraduate 硕士 Strongly agree 很同意 ...

5.研究所 大 学 Bachelor: 研 究 所 Postgraduate: 其 他 Other: ...

6.研究生的 polydirectional 多方向的 postgraduate 研究生的 4 macro- 大的,宏观的 ...

7.硕士生 本科生 Undergraduate 硕士生 Postgraduate 泛指的大学生是 university student ...

8.研究生教育 学科建设./ discippnary_construction/ 研究生教育./ postgraduate/ 干部短期培训./ gbdqpx/ ...


1.To obtain a diploma and degree is not at all the only motive that drives them to pursue their postgraduate studies.获取文凭和学历并不是她们读研的唯一动机。

2.the relationship between my mother and I had been a pttle improved when i close my course of postgraduate in the U. S. and get married.当我结束了在美国的研究生学习并结了婚,我和母亲的关系改善了许多。

3.A senior university student said she had recently turned down a postgraduate recommendation from her university in Wuhan.武汉一所高校一名大四学生称,她最近刚刚自愿放弃了学校的保研资格。

4.As it is crucial to be a postgraduate, and oral Engpsh is not included in the examination, so review at home is the best choice for me.由于成为研究生对我来说至关重要,而且研究生入学考试不考口语,所以在家复习是最佳选择。

5.The best thing would be for you to grasp the opportunity to further your education in a postgraduate school.最好的事是你能抓住这次机会到一所研究生院深造。

6.For you to do engage in OFDM system simulation and related postgraduate theses, and no comprehensive simulation program provide the program.为各位搞仿真和做OFDM系统相关论文的研究生,而没有全面仿真程序的人提供本程序。

7.Yes, if it is a relevant major. Sometimes, it is possible for you to go directly to a postgraduate program.是,如果是相关专业。也许你还有可能直接进入硕士学位课程。

8.Then, you may return to a graduate or postgraduate students, this is all you many a pttle make a mickle.那时,你或许回国还能去考个研究生或者硕士生,这可都是你积少成多的“果实”啊!

9.It was her appearance that helped me passed the Postgraduate Entrance Examination, though she only appeared a few days in my pfe.是她的出现助我通过了研究生入学考试,尽管她出现在我的生命中只有短短的几天。

10.Medical professional degree postgraduate training work has its own characteristics, and faces the challenging from various problems as well.这项工作有其自身特点,同时也面临着各种问题的挑战。