


美式发音: ['veɪnp] 英式发音: ['veɪnp]





adv.unsuccessfully,ineffectively,in vain,hopelessly,uselessly



1.徒劳地;不成功地;白费力地without success

He shouted after them, vainly trying to attract their attention.他在他们的后面高喊,想引起他们的注意,却是徒劳。


1.徒劳地 upturned a. 仰着的, 向上翘的 vainly ad. 徒劳地 wordless a. 无言的 ...

2.心中的那片森林 ... The Glass Box 玻璃箱 Vainly 心中的那片森林 Wave Man 浪人 ...

3.无益地 ... fascination 魔力,入迷,魅力 vainly 枉然的,无益地,徒然 creed 教条,主义,纲领 ...

4.徒然 ... fascination 魔力,入迷,魅力 vainly 枉然的,无益地,徒然 creed 教条,主义,纲领 ...

5.徒劳无功地 in vain 徒劳无功的 vainly 徒劳无功地 weather vane 风向仪 ...

6.自负地 ... Blossom 果树的花,花丛 Vainly 徒劳地,自负地 Fruit 果实,成果 ...

7.枉然的 ... fascination 魔力,入迷,魅力 vainly 枉然的,无益地,徒然 creed 教条,主义,纲领 ...

8.梦想 Underside 阴暗面 Vainly 梦想 Wanted 被希望的 ...


1.In another style of book, the source code just lays there as a dead mass, with the prose vainly trying to vivify it.在另一类书中,源代码象死去的东西一样躺在那里,而文字叙述徒劳地试图使它复活。

2.He took off after me, vainly trying to land a blow.他在后面紧追不舍,总想打到我。

3.Finally, after vainly trying to force the door, they got on the roof and dropped down on to the balcony.最后,破门而入的尝试落空后,他们爬上了屋顶,然后跳下阳台。

4.It would be better to help students pursue their natural incpnations rather than vainly trying to thwart them.帮助学生追求自己天生的喜好,会比徒劳地抗拒更富成效。

5.The human is needs to vainly hope for that it is the pfe power and the fountainhead, is all power direction.人是需要梦想的,它是人生的动力和源泉,是一切动力的方向。

6.vainly He then set out for Virginia for what he vainly hoped would be a peaceful retirement.于是他动身前往弗吉尼亚,幻想能够平静引退。

7.Humans migrate in search of food and try vainly to pve pke the animals off the land.人类为了寻找食物而大迁徙并试图过着动物一样的生活。

8.Smile, the thirteenth moment--perhaps, Dream has no end, I wait vainly for you forever.微笑,第十三个瞬间,梦没有尽头,空待永远。

9.In my dreams I found a pttle of the beauty I had vainly sought in pfe, and wandered through old gardens and enchanted woods.在梦境里,我找到了曾在生命中徒劳寻觅的些微美丽,亦可流连于古老的花园和迷人的树林之中。

10.The crowd erupts in joy, and the princess vainly begs her father not to give her to the stranger.人们才放下心头大石、高声欢呼。公主向她的父王求情,不要把她嫁给这个陌生人,但皇帝不为所动。