




1.波将金Kronstadt)反叛,叛乱在6月锐化,叛军登上波坦金号战舰Potemkin)1905年革命在10月达到了高潮,当沙皇尼古拉二世 …

6.战舰波坦金号e Host)、孔孩不笨 五、 欧洲电影(13) 战舰波坦金号(Potemkin)、术亲(Mother)、持摄影机疛人(The Man with a Movie Came…


1.For all this, there is something of a Potemkin village about the Chinese state.尽管如此,中国的现状有点像波特金的村庄,虚饰外表。

2.Far from a Potemkin pubpc transit system, the parts of the metro hidden from tourists seem to be less impressive but still functioning.远离波特金公交系统,对旅游者隐藏的地铁部分看起来没什么印象,但却仍然在运行。

3.If Ernst & Young's suspicions are correct, TIBC appears to have been a Potemkin bank.如果安永公司的怀疑是对的,那么TIBC似乎是一家用于掩饰的银行。

4.It was a Potemkin village of a museum: an authentic, long "gallery" .这是博物馆版的“波特金村”:一座真正的“长”馆。

5.This Potemkin salubrity is regarded with frank skepticism by many locals as a gigantic, government-run "face operation. "许多当地人都公开质疑,这只是一场由政府策划的大规模城市“面子”工程。

6.The areas that couldn't be prettified in time were hidden behind Olympic billboards that would have made Grigori Potemkin proud.在这一时刻,骄傲的格里戈里·波特金奥运广告牌背后隐藏着无法美化的区域。

7.Hu, and his town hall meeting with future Chinese leaders in Shanghai not only had a Potemkin air, it was not even broadcast pve in China.在上海市政厅,他与中国未来领导人的会谈即使在中国境内也没有直播。

8.The Independent Director-Heavenly City or Potemkin Village独立董事——天堂之城,还是Potemkin村庄