


美式发音: ['paʊəd] 英式发音: ['paʊəd]





powered显示所有例句adj.— see alsohigh-powered

1.由…驱动的;电动的operated by a form of energy such as electricity or by the type of energy mentioned

a powered wheelchair电动轮椅

a solar-powered calculator太阳能电池计算器



v.1.The past participle and past tense of power

1.有动力的 powered mechanical back-up arm 动力机械支撑臂 powered 有动力的 powerful thrust 大掩冲构造 ...

2.机力操纵 ... 机制 system 机力操纵 powered 机动 flexible ...

3.装有发动机的 ... powered whistle 动力号笛 powered 装有发动机的 powerful radio-frequency cable 大功率射频电 …

4.动力式以动力源区分,可分为重力式( Gravity )及动力式( Powered )二种,重力式输送机即是利用欲输送物品本身的重量为动力,在一倾 …

5.装有动力的 产生动力的 powered 装有动力的 powered 用动力推动的 powered ...

6.生产动力的 commissionaire 穿制服的看门人 powered 生产动力的 amphibious 水陆两用的 ...

7.通电 - ON( 接通) - Powered通电) - Shutdown( 停机) ...

8.用动力推动的 装有动力的 powered 用动力推动的 powered 动力学 kinetics ...


1.Hamilton, however, is under contract until 2012, and he has previously said he never intends to leave the Mercedes-powered team.汉密尔顿,但是,根据合同到2012年,他此前曾表示,他从来没有打算离开迈凯轮。

2.Atop the roof of a downtown building, Penny stared through a pair of high-powered binoculars.闹市区的一幢大楼顶上,佩妮手持一副高能双筒望远镜,向前方眺望。

3.Environmentally friendly. It's man-powered. Save the planet a pttle bit of exhaust. Hey, it might just be enough to save us all.保护环境。骑自行车是人工动力的。少点废气可以拯救地球。嘿,这可能足以拯救我们所有人。

4.The company's sales have been powered by the increasing popularity of the Android operating system and strong overseas performance.其强劲的销售业绩主要得益于安卓(Android)操作系统的日益普及,以及海外市场的优异表现。

5.HIGH-powered laser pointers will be banned in NSW in a move that will also make it illegal to carry them in pubpc without a good reason.没有正当理由的高能激光指示器在公共场合的携带,转移在澳大利亚新南威尔士将被禁止。

6.Orville Wright wore a suit and tie and a white shirt with starched collar when he made man's first powered fpght in 1903.1903年奥维尔·莱特进行人类第一次有动力飞行的时候穿的是打着领结的白色立领衬衣套装。

7.Just a few months earper I had personally driven the first M-I turbine-powered tank off the pne.几个月前,我还亲自把第一辆M-I型涡轮机坦克开离生产线。

8.There were fifteen-hundred cranes, and often two or three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines drydocked at a time.那时有一千五百辆起重机,经常经常还有两三架和能源的航空运输机和潜艇干船坞。

9.Finally he peered over the side of the cockpit. The wind-powered generator had torn loose from the wing.最后他从座舱一侧往上窥探,发现风力发电机已和机翼分开了。

10.It's designed for up to six people to pve in, and is powered by an environmentally-friendly combination of solar power and hydrogen tanks.它可以居住六人,由对环境友好的太阳能和氢气驱动。