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na.1.The variant of Pain

1.潘恩 Rikku 莉克 Paine 佩茵 Hayner 海涅 ...

6.帕恩 ... Rikku( 莉可) Paine帕恩) Vaan( 邦) ...



1.Tom Paine, once the hero of the colonies, was refused burial in a consecrated place after years of hostipty or neglect.汤姆·派恩一度是殖民地英雄,后来受排斥冷淡,逝世后,不准在奉为圣地处安葬。

2.One of them reached George Washington, who was so impressed that he made American officers read extracts of Paine's work to their men.其中的一份就传到了乔治华盛顿手里,当时他非常有影响力,他令美国的官员阅读潘安的作品给人民听。

3.Paine was an outstanding ideologist extreme bourgeois democratic revolutionaries and theorist of the 18th century.潘恩是18世纪杰出的政治思想家、激进的资产阶级民主主义革命家和理论家。

4."Whether we defeat the enemy in one battle, or by degrees, the consequences will be the same" (Thomas Paine).“无论我们是在一次战斗中击败敌人,还是逐步地击败他们,结果都会是一样的”(托马斯·潘恩)。

5.In Torres Del Paine National Park, pumas have found a refuge.在TorresDelPaine国家公园,美洲狮找到了避难所。

6.With the beginning of the AmericanRevolution, Paine made himself famous by pubpshing his book Common Sense.美国独立运动开始后,佩因出版了令他名噪一时的书籍《常识》。

7.Washington ordered Paine 's essay read to his troops before they crossed the Delaware to defeat the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton.华盛顿下令他的军队阅读潘恩的散文,然后这支军队就越过达拉维尔,在特兰顿战役中击败了和逊人。

8.Sunrise warms the icy southern end of the Andes during a rare break in the weather in Chile's Torres del Paine National Park.板块构造的图片。日出宽慰冰冷的南端的安第斯山脉,当难得的休息,在天气在智利的托雷斯删除潘恩国家公园。

9.They make Torres del Paine one of the most special national parks in the world -- you'll never forget your first sight of ice on the beach.这使白内国家公园成为世界上最特殊的国家公园之一——你永远也不会忘记在海滩上第一眼望到的冰。

10.The view and the conditions were just perfect and I rushed back for my camera to capture the Horns of Paine.视角和环境都太完美了,我冲回去拿了相机,抓住了PaineHorns美丽的景色。