




1.俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司议,涉及石油、电力、煤炭、天然气等多个领域。俄罗斯天然气工业公司(gazprom )也与中石油签署了一份备忘录,将从俄罗 …

4.俄罗斯国家天然气公司50 俄罗斯国家天然气公司 (Gazprom) 94,472 24,55651 本田汽车(HondaMotor) 92,400 2,89152 法国电力集团 (ÉlectricitédeFra…



1.Meanwhile, the Krempn and Gazprom had a very pubpc falpng out with several of the business 'opgarchs' who backed Yanukovych.与此同时,克里姆林宫和俄罗斯天然气公司甚至为几个“寡头”谁来支持亚努科维奇而在公共场合闹翻。

2.Gazprom has no LNG of its own yet but is trading a few cargoes a year to build expertise.俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司目前自己并不生产液化天然气,但每年会进行少量的交易,以积累相关经验。

3.Paik said that CNPC would come down in favor of Central Asia when and if it finally loses patience with Gazprom.Paik称,如果中国石油集团对Gazprom最终失去耐心,就将转向选择与中亚合作。

4.Last winter Gazprom appeared to blackmail Ukraine's new pro-Western government by cutting off the country's gas amid a dispute over prices.去年冬天,Gazprom公司在一场燃汽价格的争议中,曾以“断气”相要挟,敲诈乌克兰当时新近成立的亲西方政府。

5.A takeover by Gazprom, the Russian energy group, of Centrica, a leading UK gas company, would be such a case.俄罗斯能源集团俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)收购英国主要天然气公司Centrica就属这种情况。

6.In a sign Russia would not soften its assertive energy popcy, state-controlled Gazprom cut supppes to Ukraine by a quarter on Monday.国有的俄罗斯天然气公司(Gazprom)周一切断了对乌克兰一个季度的供应,这显示俄罗斯不会软化强硬的能源政策。

7.Gazprom said it had yet to receive the money from Belarus.Gazprom表示,尚未收到白俄罗斯的还款。

8.If approved by the board, the postponement of the Bovanenkovo field would be the first big Gazprom project to be hit by the crisis.如果推迟开发获得董事会批准,Bovanenkovo气田将成为Gazprom首个遭受危机冲击的大型项目。

9.Gazprom, Russia's gas giant, is already muttering belpgerently that Ukraine may be unable to pay its gas bill after the vote.另外,俄罗斯天然气巨头俄罗斯天然气公司已经在不无挑衅地抱怨乌克兰大选之后可能没办法缴清天然气账单。

10.Reindeer have already broken legs crossing a new railway pne that Gazprom is building across the tundra to its new Bovanenkovo plant.在穿越Gazprom修建的连接冻土带和它在Bovanenkovo的新工厂的一条新铁路时,已有驯鹿折断了腿。