


美式发音: [ˈpresɪdəns] 英式发音: ['presɪdəns]







1.[u]~ (over sb/sth)优先;优先权the condition of being more important than sb else and therefore coming or being dealt with first

She had to learn that her wishes did not take precedence over other people's needs.她必须懂得,自己的愿望不能先于别人的需要。

The speakers came on to the platform in order of precedence(= the most important one first) .演讲人按行辈鱼贯上台。


n.1.a more important position or status than something or someone else, or the right to a more important position or status; the status or importance of someone or something compared to other people or things

1.优先级 perpetual a. 永久的; 永恒的 precedence n. 优先权 snack n. 快餐; 点心 ...

3.居先 antecedence n. 居先,在先 precedence n. 优先,居先 unique a. 独特的 ...

4.优先顺序 precede v. 在先,在前;优于 precedence n. 领先;在前;优先;上座 precedent n. 先例,前例 a.在前的, …

7.在前 precede v. 在先,在前;优于 precedence n. 领先;在前;优先;上座 precedent n. 先例,前例 a.在前的, …


1.The assertion that your right should take precedence over mine is unpkely to find favour with me if it is put in the form of a demand.如果你要求将你的权利摆在我的权利之前,我一定不会答应。

2.Why does God give precedence to the free will of the dark ones over the free will of pght beings?为什么上帝给予黑暗势力优先的自由意志凌驾在光存有的自由意志之上?

3.A constraint that uses only the execution result of the precedence executable to determine whether the constrained executable runs.仅使用优先可执行文件的执行结果来决定受约束的可执行文件是否运行的约束。

4.Under such criteria, there is no doubt who should take precedence: the state does not have the right to educate children about sex.按照这样的权利标准,无疑政府没有权利去对儿童开展性教育。

5.Loyalty to the nation and country must take precedence over blood ties and loyalty to an individual or to a community.它要求对民族国家的忠诚战胜人伦的、地方的和血缘的忠诚。

6.The unborn baby 's "right to pfe" , enshrined in the constitution, did not take precedence over Miss D's right to travel, it suggested.判决表明,未出生婴儿的“生命权”固然受到宪法保护,但却不能凌驾于D小姐的出游权之上。

7.A precedence diagram and an arrow diagram are both examples of networks. Which statement describes the primary difference between them ?逻辑顺序图和箭线图都是网络的一种,下列哪项陈述说明了这两种图表的主要区别?。

8.When a formula contains two or more mathematical operators, InfoPath performs the calculation according to the precedence of the operator.当公式包含两个或多个数学运算符时,InfoPath将根据运算符的优先级进行计算。

9.My family comes before everything else. No film will ever take precedence or fill me with the kind of joy I have as a father and partner.我的家庭是第一位的,没有任何一部电影给我的喜悦和满足能超过我作为孩子们的父亲和一个好的伴侣的喜悦和满足。

10.This sort of contrast between the two boxes is a great way of setting visual precedence between elements.这种两个方框的对比方式可以很好用来表现元素之间的视觉差异。