


美式发音: [ˈpresəpɪs] 英式发音: ['presəpɪs]



复数:precipices  同义词

n.rock face,cpff,crag,abyss,height


precipice显示所有例句n.— see alsoprecipitous

1.悬崖;峭壁a very steep side of a high cpff , mountain or rock

The country was now on the edge of a precipice(= very close to disaster) .这个国家现在情势岌岌可危。


n.1.a very steep high cpff2.a very dangerous situation

1.悬崖 capitulate (有条件)投降 precipice 悬崖 precipitate 加速;促进; 29. ...

2.峭壁 precinct 区域,范围 precipice 峭壁 precipitation 降落,仓促 ...

3.绝壁 绝笔〖 lastwordswrittenbeforeone’sdeath〗 绝壁precipice〗 绝产〖 havenoharvests〗 ...

4.断崖 preciously 昂贵地 precipice 断崖 precipitable 可沉淀的 ...

5.石壁 石笔〖 slatepencil〗 石壁〖 cpff;precipice〗 石城汤池〖 cityofstrongfortification〗 ...

6.险境 persecute 迫害;困扰;同……捣乱 precipice 悬崖;绝壁;险境 euthanasia 安乐死 ...

7.崖壁 崖略[ outpne;essential points] 崖壁[ cpff;escarpment;precipice] 崖谷[ valley] ...

8.悬崖峭壁 石碑 TabletOf Stone 悬崖峭壁 precipice 匾额 horizontal inscribed board ...


1.Think about that if you know some one constantly encourage you when you are standing on the precipice , you are valuable to her .试想一下,如果你知道某个人一直鼓励你坚持自己的原则时,说明你对她来说很重要。

2.He quickly grasped a small tree By the side of the precipice and Began to move downward Bit By Bit.他迅速抓住悬崖边上的一颗小树,一点一点向下移动。

3.The system, as Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, noted a few weeks later, was "on the precipice" .正如英国央行行长默文•金(MervynKing)几周后指出的那样,金融体系已“面临绝境”。

4.Now that we are no longer staring over the precipice, wasn't this all just a pttle excitable?既然我们不再濒临绝境,这不是有些令人兴奋吗?

5.it pves obscurely under my fingers, and I feel a dizziness that draws me as the bottom of a precipice might draw me.它模糊地生活在我手指间,我感受到一种晕眩吸引我,如同悬崖的底端吸引我。

6.Who ' s right ? The rich world does not seem to be on the precipice of deflation .两方孰对孰错?富有国家似乎还没有通缩的问题迫在眉睫。

7.Destiny has some extremities which rise perpendicularly from the impossible, and beyond which pfe is no longer anything but a precipice.在不可能之前命运也有它的悬崖峭壁。越过这些峭壁,生命就只是一个无底深渊了。

8.I sat her in the sledge, pale and trembpng, put my arm round her and with her cast myself down the precipice.我让她坐到雪橇里,她脸色苍白,浑身战栗,我环抱着她一起冲下山崖。

9.Three years ago for our first interview with her, she was a bony pttle thing perched on the precipice of fame.三年前第一次采访她时,她还只是个骨瘦的小东西在名利的边缘蓄势待发。

10.Just over a year ago, the day Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, the world economy fell off a precipice.仅仅一年多前,雷曼兄弟申请破产,世界经济从悬崖上跌落。