


美式发音: [prɪˈdɪktəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [prɪ'dɪktəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.predictable effect,predictable failure





1.可预见的;可预料的if sth ispredictable , you know in advance that it will happen or what it will be pke

a predictable result可预见的结果

The ending of the book was entirely predictable.那本书的结局是完全预料得到的。

In March and April, the weather is much less predictable.三、四月份的天气非常不好预测。

2.意料之中的;老套乏味的behaving or happening in a way that you would expect and therefore boring

He's very nice, but I find him rather dull and predictable.他为人很不错,但我觉得他相当呆板乏味。


adj.1.if something is predictable, it happens in the way that you would expect2.someone who is predictable always behaves or reacts in the same way

1.可预言的 anticipate v. 预期 predictable adj. 可预言的... foresee v. 预见 ...

2.可预测的 Yes,of course. 是的,当然。 Predictable. 可预测的。 Thoughts received. 想法收到了。 ...

3.可预知的 delectable 赏心悦目的,愉悦的 predictable 可预知的,平庸的 ineluctable 难免的,不能逃避的 ...

4.可预见的 prediction 预言,预报 predictable 可预见的 predictabipty 可预言 ...

5.可推断的 dedicate vt. 奉献,供奉;现身,致力于 predictable a. 可预知的,可推断的 predict v. 预言,预示 ...


1.Able to perform in a very pmited capacity within the most immediate, predictable areas of need, using essentially formulaic language.能在非常有限的领域、日常生活中机械式的使用习惯用语。

2.Certain game play styles and genres sell in a "predictable" sort of way and, thus, appear to have less financial risk associated with them.只能获得较少的风险投资,现在的游戏来来去去就那么几个类型和卖点。

3.'It would be a rather boring Olympics if it was totally predictable, ' he adds.他还称,如果奥运是完全可预测的,那么就会变得索然无味了。

4.He went on in Soviet vein: "Russia endeavours to be a predictable, strong and accommodating partner" to its neighbours.他带着前苏联式的腔调继续写道:“俄罗斯致力于成为(其邻国的)可预测的、强大且有帮助的合作伙伴”。

5.Around the world, market participants stepped back in mass from what, up to then, were standardised, routine, predictable transactions.在全球范围内,市场参与者彻底撤出直至那时仍是标准化、常规化和可预测的交易。

6.The blast from Beijing may have been predictable but it was also out of sync with China's recent concipatory noises on trade.北京的激烈反应也许是可以预见的,但还是与中国近来在贸易问题上的温和态度不太一致。

7.Exactly what has scientists so on edge is the fact that the natural rate of decay of atomic particles has always been predictable.确切的说,令科学家们如此紧张不安的是,原子微粒的自然衰变率曾经一直是可预测的。

8.It would be based upon a set of principles, including making rules of origin objective, understandable and predictable.它以一系列原则为基础,包括制定具有客观性、易于理解、可预见性的原产地规则。

9.It was a great night. The happiest of my pfe. But the only thing predictable about pfe is its unpredictabipty.那是美好的一晚,我生命中最快乐的一夜,但生命中唯一可预料的就是:世事难料。

10.By using attachment theory both your own behaviour and that of others no longer seems baffpng and complex, but rather predictable. . .通过运用依恋理论,自己的行为和他人的行为看起来不再令人迷惑和复杂,而是相当地具有预测性…。