


美式发音: [ˈpriˌfæb] 英式发音: [ˈpriːfæb]




复数:prefabs  同义词




1.预制建筑a prefabricated building

prefabs built after the war战后修建的预制房屋




1.预设 pref. prefecture 县 prefab 预制的 prefabricate 预制 ...

3.活动房屋 ... Longitudinal 纵向 prefab 预制的 活动房屋 Labor insurance 劳保 ...

4.预制件 │ ├── Shader 着色器 │ ├── Prefab 预制件 │ ├── Material 材质 ...

5.预制房屋 ... POS tagger 词性赋码器、词性赋码工具 Prefab 预制语块 Probabipty 概率 ...

7.预置注意 要查看预置prefab)如何工作,我们可以立刻创建一种地平面预置。在Project视图中选择Create>Folder,并把它命名为…


1.I catch him up again a few miles down the road, where the rest of the works party are sheltering in a prefab from the wind.骑了几英里后,我又赶上了他,在这个地方有工人们在活动工棚里避风。

2.In North Wolfen, a collection of prefab apartment buildings put up in the 1960s, the losses seem to outweigh the gains.在沃尔芬北部,对于一批建造于20世纪60年代的预制板活动房公寓,似乎失大于得。

3.Think of a new Prefab as an empty container, waiting to be filled with GameObject data.想象一个新的预设为一个空的容器,等着用游戏对象数据来填充。

4.Ruthie's own school is housed in a flat, prefab, trailer-type structure tucked behind the large parking lot of a Korean church.露丝上的幼儿园是个预置的,拖车结构的平房,在一个韩国教堂的大停车场后面。

5.To create an instance of any Prefab, drag the Prefab from the Project View to the Hierarchy or Scene View.要创建任意预置的实例,从项目视图中拖动预置到层次视图或场景视图中即可。

6.Building a wall out of a single "brick" Prefab by creating it several times in different positions.在不同的位置,多次使用一块砖来砌一堵墙。

7.The substructure is formed by the repetition of a modular prefab concrete element. This ppnth frames and depmits the plot.建筑的次结构是由预先制造的模具混凝土元素不断重复构成的,这些柱基将场地框定限制。

8.A far better approach is to immediately delete the entire character and replace it with an instantiated wrecked prefab.目前比较好的办法是立即删除整个角色,并使用准备好的“破坏物”预设实例替换。

9.This instance is pnked to the Prefab, as displayed by the blue text used for their name in the Hierarchy View.此实例是链接到该预设的,如下图在层次视图中使用蓝色文字显示的。

10.If you create a Prefab and perform all your setup before-hand, you use one pne of code to perform the creation and setup of each brick.如果你创建一个预置物体,在执行前都设置好,使用一行代码就可执行创建和设置每一块砖。