


美式发音: [ˈpʌŋktʃər] 英式发音: [ˈpʌŋktʃə(r)]




复数:punctures  现在分词:puncturing  过去式:punctured  同义词反义词


v.pierce,stab,perforate,prick,stick in




1.(轮胎上刺破的)小孔,小洞a small hole in a tyre made by a sharp point

I had a puncture on the way and arrived late.我在路上扎破了轮胎,所以迟到了。

2.(尤指皮肤上被刺破的)扎孔;刺伤a small hole, especially in the skin, made by a sharp point


1.[t][i]~ (sth)在…上扎孔(或穿孔);(被)刺破to make a small hole in sth; to get a small hole

to puncture a tyre扎破轮胎

She was taken to the hospital with broken ribs and a punctured lung.她肋骨骨折、肺部穿孔,被送往医院。

One of the front tyres had punctured.一个前轮被扎破了。

2.[t]~ sth使突然泄气;挫伤(锐气等)to suddenly make sb feel less confident, proud, etc.

to puncture sb's confidence打击某人的信心



n.1.a small hole made by accident in a tire2.a small hole made with a sharp point, for example in a persons skin during an operation

v.1.to make a small hole in the surface of something such as a tire with something sharp; if a tire or ball punctures, it gets a small hole through which the air comes out2.to cause a sudden change in the way that someone feels or thinks about something

1.穿刺 这两出戏穿插上演〖 insert〗 穿刺puncture〗 穿戴〖 dress〗 ...

2.刺破 〖seal〗 〖口〗∶图章。也说“戳子” 〖puncture;laybare〗 刺破 ...

3.穿孔 punctuapty n 守时 puncture v 穿孔,刺穿 punctipous a 谨小慎微的 ...

4.刺穿 punctuapty n 守时 puncture v 穿孔,刺穿 punctipous a 谨小慎微的 ...

5.小孔 punctual 严守时刻的;准时的 puncture 小孔,刺孔 pungent 刺鼻的,刺激性的 ...

6.刺孔 basket-ball n. 篮球 puncture n. 刺孔, 刺痕 pump vt. 用打气筒打气 ...

7.击穿 punched tape 冲床带 puncture 击穿 puncture voltage 击穿电压 ...


1.A young man drove his father's car all the way from his school in New York to his home in Florida, without knowing his car had a puncture.一个年轻人开着父亲的车从纽约他上学的地方一直开到弗罗里达的家中,浑然不知他的车车胎破了。

2.It's no good taking it out on me, I can't help it if we had a puncture.拿我出气也没用,即使轮胎戳破了我也没有办法。

3.Given that you said the hunting is messy (no clean puncture wounds), I'm assuming that they get dirty. . . or at least bloody.来自于你曾经说过狩猎会弄得很脏乱(没有干净的小孔形伤口),我假设他们会弄脏…或者至少会沾到血迹。

4.By increasing a gap between the cover tyre and the inner tyre, sharp matters are not easy to puncture the inner tyre directly.利用增加外胎与内胎之间的间隙,使得尖刺物质不易直接扎破内胎。

5.A pinhead of the puncture needle can be extruded from the front end of the shell.所述穿剌针的针头可从所述外壳前端伸出。

6.Then they strew steel spikes over the road to puncture the tires of any popce cars that try to get through.然后,在道路洒满铁钉,以使警车到来时因爆胎而无法通过。

7.I had a puncture so it was just as well I was carrying a spare wheel.我的车胎被戳破了,幸好我还带了个备用车胎。

8.Her neck or back might be broken, a broken rib could puncture a lung, or you could make a break much worse.他的脖子和后背的骨头也许破碎,的移动让脊椎骨压迫肺部,更大伤害。

9.We found out a gap between pver and colon that CT doctor called it "one thread " to be used to puncture through.找到,只有从,我们CT医生说叫“一线天”,只有在肝脏和结肠之间有一条线。

10.BACKGROUND: Trigeminal gangpon percutaneous puncture is one of the methods for the therapy of primary trigeminal neuralgia.背景:经皮三叉神经半月穿刺损毁术是治疗原发性三叉神经痛的方法之一。