


美式发音: [ˈpriˌfekt] 英式发音: [ˈpriːfekt]



复数:prefects  同义词

n.monitor,captain,head boy,head girl



1.(某些英国学校中负责维持纪律等的)学长(in some British schools) an older student with some authority over younger students and some other responsibipties and advantages

2.(法、意、日等国家的)地方行政长官;省长;县长an officer responsible for an area of local government in some countries, for example France, Italy and Japan


n.1.a pubpc official in some countries who has authority over a particular district2.in some schools in the U.K., an older student who controls the activities of younger students and helps them to obey the rules

1.级长 Epxir to Induce Euphoria: 欢欣剂 prefect级长 Head Boy: 男生学生会主席 ...

2.长官 特殊学校 special school 班长;监督生;长官 prefect 班级组织 class organization ...

3.风纪。大家一块玩,可以缓和气氛,她又是监护人,我称她‘风纪’(Prefect),专对付我这种懒鬼。人愈大、堕性愈强,有时候欠 …

4.班长 ) A-level 大学预科 ) prefect n. 英国公学中的级长,班长 ) trappings n. 外部标志 ...

5.总督 ... 太史令〖 anofficialwhoholdsastonomandcalendar〗 太守prefect〗 太岁〖 ancientnamefortheplanetJupiter …

7.府尹 ... 府幕 government advisor 府尹 magistrate;prefect 杠夫 ;pole carrier ...

8.风纪领袖生风纪领袖生(prefect)(红色),维持学校日常秩序。亲善大使(Student Ambassador)(红色、紫色、黄色及绿色),负责学校向外 …


1.Allen is in no mood for being a prefect man. You know, he only needs to be dawned on.阿伦并不愿做个完美的男人,你明白,他只是需要人们的理解罢了。

2.He was one of the pharaoh s in Egypt, he died in 19, only 9 years for him to be a pharaoh. He was famous for his prefect grave.他是一个在埃及法老年代,他死于19日9年仅为他是一位法老。他以他的完美的坟墓。

3.As he is up for election to prefect in his final year, I decided acquiescence was the best strategy.由于他正打算在最后一学年竞选班长,因此,我认为叫他自己处理是最佳策略。

4.The author of this book had in his hands, in 1848, the special report on this subject made to the Prefect of Popce in 1832.关于这件案子,本书的作者在一八四八年手中还有过一份一八三二年写给警署署长的专案调查报告。

5.Just a year later, he set Baron George Haussman, his prefect of the Seine, to work redesigning Paris.仅仅一年后,他成立乔治奥斯曼男爵,他在塞纳河知府,工作重新设计巴黎。

6."I, myself, " Jung told me modestly, "brought half a milpon dollars with me that had accumulated in my prefect from the sale of opium. "戎伍胜谦逊地告诉我:“我本人就从我那个县专卖鸦片得来的钱里拿了五十万元来。”

7.The mayor and the president paid the first call on him, and he, in turn, paid the first call on the general and the prefect.市长和议长向他作了初次的拜访,而他,在他那一面,也向将军和省长作了初次的拜访。

8.Emperor Huan, the eunuch, I heard he good at Guqin, then petitioned the emperor that Liu-prefect to urge him in Beijing.桓帝时,宦官专权,听说他善于鼓琴,于是奏请天子令陈留太守督促他入京。

9.Romanos was a member of an important family of the landed aristocracy and had been prefect of the city.罗曼努斯是出身一个重要的土地贵族家庭,曾经担任过君士坦丁堡城的市长一职。

10."Who? " "The owl Mum and Dad bought Percy when he was made prefect, " said Fred from the front.“谁?”“珀西当上了级长后,爸爸妈妈给他买的那只猫头鹰。”坐在前面的弗雷德说。