




1.乘积寄存器 (const char *name) 用法: (int intno,struct REGPACK *preg) 调用方式: (const char *name) 用法例: ...

3.孕烯醇酮(pregnenolone) pong 恶臭, 难闻的气味 preg 怀孕的 pang 突然的刺痛 ...

6.配置匹配正则 ... // 采集首页地址$ url = // 配置匹配正则$ preg = // 计算标题数量$ count = count ...

7.的数组的所有元素 ... )、从 a )的数组的所有元素preg_match 的任意字母。 preg_match_all ...

8.比例溢流阀· 集成式先导比例溢流阀(PREG) 2009-4-11 14:57:00· ATOS放大器 2009-4-11 14:56:00· ATOS电磁阀 2009-4-11 14:55:00· AT…


1.In this case, you use something a bit more powerful: PHP's preg_replace, which takes a regular expression as its search term.在本例中,您使用了更为强大的方式:PHP的preg_replace,它接受正则表达式作为其搜索关键词。

2.Mothers claim to have suffered 'baby brain' or 'preg head', characterised by lapses in memory or logical thinking.一些母亲声称怀有“婴儿脑”或者“怀孕脑”,症状表现为记忆力减退或者反应迟钝。

3.A callback is used for dynamic substitution Strings in the preg_replace_callback function.调用是用于在preg_replace_callback函数里动态地替换字符串的。

4.The preg nancy rate, menstrual condition, the growth and development of folpcle and endometrium were detected.观察患者受孕和月经周期改善情况,B超连续动态监测卵泡直径和子宫内膜的生长发育情况。

5.Listing 4 shows an example of using the preg_ functions to read the books file.清单4显示了使用preg_函数读取图书文件的示例。

6.The Change and Cpnical Significance of Serum Lipids, Serum Transaminase and Biprubin in Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Preg-nancy妊娠期肝内胆汁瘀积症血脂、转氨酶、胆红素变化及临床意义

7.Experimental Study on Acupuncture for Promoting Cervical Ripening in the Third Trimester of Preg-nancy in Rats电针促妊娠晚期大鼠子宫颈成熟的实验研究