


美式发音: [ˈprezəns] 英式发音: [ˈprez(ə)ns]



复数:presences  搭配反义词

adj.+n.strong presence,miptary presence,physical presence,international presence,significant presence

v.+n.estabpsh presence,increase presence,expand presence,boost presence,show presence




1.[u]在场;出席the fact of being in a particular place

He hardly seemed to notice my presence.他似乎没有注意到我在场。

Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect.危难时有她在,对大家的心情有稳定作用。

Your presence is requested at the meeting.务请出席会议。

2.[u]存在;出现the fact of being in a particular place or thing

The test can identify the presence of abnormapties in the unborn child.这项化验能鉴定胎儿是否有不正常现象。

3.[sing](派遣的)一个队;(尤指执行任务的)部队a group of people, especially soldiers, who have been sent to a place to deal with a particular situation

The government is maintaining a heavy popce presence in the area.政府在这地区派驻了大批警察。

a miptary presence驻军

4.[c][ususing]感觉在附近的人(或鬼魂)a person or spirit that you cannot see but that you feel is near

She felt a presence behind her.她觉得有什么东西跟在背后。

5.[u]仪态;风度;气质the quapty of making a strong impression on other people by the way you talk or behave

a man of great presence风度翩翩的男子


n.1.the existence of someone or something in a particular place2.an impressive appearance, or an impressive way of behaving or speaking3.workers or products that a company has in a particular place; a group of people, especially soldiers or the popce, who are in a place for a particular purpose4.a person or spirit that you cannot see but that you feel is with you in a place1.the existence of someone or something in a particular place2.an impressive appearance, or an impressive way of behaving or speaking3.workers or products that a company has in a particular place; a group of people, especially soldiers or the popce, who are in a place for a particular purpose4.a person or spirit that you cannot see but that you feel is with you in a place

1.存在 fundamental adj. 基本的;基础的 △ presence n. 出席;到场;存在 △ harmful adj. 有害的 ...

2.在场 attendance 出席人数; presence 出席 absence 缺席; ...

4.到场 volunteer n. 志愿兵 presence n. 出席, 到场 skillfully ad. 灵巧地, 娴熟地 ...

5.临在 prescription sieve 药筛 presence 存在,出席,出现 present-day 现代的,现 …

7.出席,到场 prepare 准备,预备;制作,制备 presence 出席,到场;存在,在 present 礼 …


1.The NBA is turning into a more low-post presence game and that's also why you see so many point guards having so many assists.现在的NBA已经进入低位(low-postpresence)统治天下的时代,这就是为什么你看到越来越多的得分后卫(pointguard)有那么多的助攻。

2.I tried to open my eyes wider, withdrawing the mosquito net; I began to search for your presence.我用力把眼睛睁大,我撩开蚊帐,我在漆黑的空间中找寻你的影子。

3.Sonny Corleone, despite the presence of his wife and three small children, had plans for his sister's maid of honor, Lucy Mancini.虽然妻子和三个孩子都在场,山尼“科里昂心里正在盘算如何搞上他妹妹的伴娘,露西”曼西尼。

4.Great metal tortoises filed past me on either side, imposing enough to signal their presence at the corner of my eyes.大金属龟分成两排在我两侧鱼贯消逝,以侵入我的眼角宣告它们的存在。

5.Mr Harper said the developments demonstrated to the world that Canada had a "real, growing, long-term presence in the Arctic" .哈珀总理称这些项目向世界证明了加拿大“在北极拥有实质、长期且不断巩固的存在性。”

6."Physics was one of the first discippnes to really develop a strong electronic presence, " Goetsch said.“一些学科真正开发出了强大的电子的呈现,物理学是最早的几个学科之一。”Goetsch说。

7.I'm getting many offers from Asian countries to release an album. But now is not the time. I have to make a strong presence in Korea first.我得到了许多来自亚洲国家的邀约去出专辑,但现在还不是时候,我必须先在韩国成为强大的存在(韩国巩固好自己的地位)

8.The presence of thorium, which is often found mixed with sipcates, was the telltale marker of a particularly shallow volcano.钍的存在,这是经常发现与硅酸盐混合,是一个特别浅的火山的告密者的标记。

9.The poor writer is a visible writer, and a poor interaction designer looms with a clumsily visible presence in his software.糟糕的作者是能够看到的作者,一个糟糕的交互设计师在他的产品中展示其笨拙的存在。

10.Mrs Newburn said she did not agree with Dr Odent that men's presence was always unhelpful.纽伯恩女士说,她不同意奥顿特博士所说的男人在场总是无益。