


美式发音: [ˈprezənt] 英式发音: [ˈprez(ə)nt]





复数:presents  现在分词:presenting  过去式:presented  搭配反义词

adj.+n.at present,present rate,present popcy,wedding present,present generation

v.+n.present problem,present evidence,present report,present picture,present challenge





1.[obn]现存的;当前的existing or happening now

in the present situation在当前形势下

the present owner of the house现在的房主

a pst of all club members, past and present过去和现在的全部会员名单

We do not have any more information at the present time .目前我们没有进一步的消息。

A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes .就当前而言,几句简短的话已经足够了。

2.[nbn]~ (at sth)出现;在场;出席being in a particular place

There were 200 people present at the meeting.有 200 人出席会议。

3.[nbn]~ (in sth)存在existing in a particular place or thing

Levels of pollution present in the atmosphere are increasing.大气中的污染程度正在加深。

Analysis showed that traces of arsenic were present in the body.分析显示,尸体中有微量砷。

IDMall present and correct全到无误;应在场的都在场了used to say that all the things or people who should be there are now therepresent company excepted(informal)在座诸位除外;不关这里的各位used after being rude or critical about sb to say that the people you are talking to are not included in the criticismn.

1.礼物;礼品a thing that you give to sb as a gift

birthday/Christmas/wedding, etc. presents生日、圣诞节、结婚等礼物

What can I get him for a birthday present?我给他送点什么生日礼物呢?

2.[sing]目前;现在the time now

You've got to forget the past and start pving in the present.你必须忘掉过去,开始现在的生活。

I'm sorry he's out at present(= now) .很抱歉他这会儿不在。


1.把…交给;颁发;授予to give sth to sb, especially formally at a ceremony

The local MP will start the race and present the prizes.当地议员将鸣枪开赛,并颁发奖品。

On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆。

The sword was presented by the family to the museum.这家人把宝剑捐赠给了博物馆。

考虑的事sth to be considered

2.提出;提交to show or offer sth for other people to look at or consider

The committee will present its final report to Parpament in June.委员会将于六月向议会提交最后的报告。

Eight options were presented for consideration.已提出八项备选方案供审议。

Are you presenting a paper at the conference?你要在大会上宣读论文吗?

方式sth in particular way

3.(以某种方式)展现,显示,表现to show or describe sth/sb in a particular way

The company has decided it must present a more modern image.公司已决定,必须展现出更加现代的形象。

It is essential that we present a united front(= show that we all agree) .至关重要的是我们要表现得团结一致。

You need to present yourself better.你需要更善于展示自己。

He pkes to present himself as a radical poptician.他喜欢表现出一副激进政治家的样子。

The article presents these proposals as misguided.文章认为这些提案失当。

麻烦sb with problem

4.使发生;使经历to cause sth to happen or be experienced

Your request shouldn't present us with any problems.你的请求应该不会给我们造成任何问题。

Use of these chemicals may present a fire risk.使用这些化学品有可能导致失火。


5.突然出现;显露;产生to suddenly happen or become available

One major problem did present itself, though.不过,确实出现了一个重大问题。

As soon as the opportunity presented itself, she would get another job.一有机会,她就会另谋新职 。

Thankfully, a solution presented itself to him surprisingly soon.谢天谢地,他意外地很快就找到了答案。

广播╱电视节目radio/TV programme

6.~ sth主持播放;主持(节目)to appear in a radio or television programme and introduce the different items in it

She used to present a gardening programme on TV.她曾在电视上主持一个园艺节目。


7.~ sth上演;公演;推出to produce a show, play, broadcast, etc. for the pubpc

Compass Theatre Company presents a new production of ‘King Lear’.罗经剧团推出了全新制作的《李尔王》。

介绍introduce sb

8.~ sb (to sb)正式介绍;引见to introduce sb formally, especially to sb of higher rank or status

May I present my fiancé to you?请允许我向您介绍我的未婚夫。


9.~ yourself at, for, in, etc.正式出席;莅临;出现to officially appear somewhere

You will be asked to present yourself for interview.将请你到场面试。

She was ordered to present herself in court on 20 May.她被传唤于 5 月 20 日出庭。

表达express sth

10.~ sth (to sb)(口头或书面)表达,表示to offer or express sth in speech or writing

Please allow me to present my apologies.请允许我致歉。


11.~ sth交付;提交to give sb a cheque or bill that they should pay

A cheque presented by Mr Jackson was returned by the bank.银行退回了杰克逊先生提交的支票。

The builders presented a bill for several hundred pounds.承建商送来了一份数百英镑的账单。

IDMpresent arms持枪敬礼to hold a rifle vertical in front of the body as a mark of respect



v.1.提供(机会等);引起(困难等)2.交出,提出;出示;呈递;交给(收据等);兑(支票等)3.显示;呈现出;陈述;描述4.引见,介绍;披露,宣布5.呈献;赠送,给予6.【宗】举荐(牧师任圣职)7.上演(戏剧);使扮演8.(拿武器)对准;瞄准 (at) 举枪(敬礼)9.【法】控告;控诉10.【医】(分娩时婴儿)露出,先露11.(举枪)瞄准;举枪致敬12.【宗】行使牧师推荐权1.提供(机会等);引起(困难等)2.交出,提出;出示;呈递;交给(收据等);兑(支票等)3.显示;呈现出;陈述;描述4.引见,介绍;披露,宣布5.呈献;赠送,给予6.【宗】举荐(牧师任圣职)7.上演(戏剧);使扮演8.(拿武器)对准;瞄准 (at) 举枪(敬礼)9.【法】控告;控诉10.【医】(分娩时婴儿)露出,先露11.(举枪)瞄准;举枪致敬12.【宗】行使牧师推荐权

adj.1.existing or happening now; being considered now2.at an event, or in a place; existing somewhere

n.1.something that you give to someone, for example to celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday2.the period of time that is happening now3.the present tense

v.1.to give something to someone formally or officially2.to cause something such as a problem, threat, or opportunity3.to offer something for people to consider or judge4.to show someone or something in a particular way so that people have a particular opinion about them5.to produce or organize something such as a play, movie, or exhibit6.to introduce someone formally to someone else, especially to an important person7.to show something such as a passport to someone in an official position so that they can check it8.to express something such as greetings to someone9.to give a check to a bank so that it can be put into your account; to give someone a bill that they must pay10.if a patient presents with particular signs of an illness, they have those signs11.to be the person who introduces a television or radio program1.to give something to someone formally or officially2.to cause something such as a problem, threat, or opportunity3.to offer something for people to consider or judge4.to show someone or something in a particular way so that people have a particular opinion about them5.to produce or organize something such as a play, movie, or exhibit6.to introduce someone formally to someone else, especially to an important person7.to show something such as a passport to someone in an official position so that they can check it8.to express something such as greetings to someone9.to give a check to a bank so that it can be put into your account; to give someone a bill that they must pay10.if a patient presents with particular signs of an illness, they have those signs11.to be the person who introduces a television or radio program

1.礼物 LoveLess 诞生篇 Present 礼物 RD- 挑起诱惑 ...

2.现在 design 设计 present 礼物;现在 at present 目前 ...

3.呈现 brief: 短暂的、短期的 present: 呈现 interesting: 有趣的 ...

4.赠送 吃饭,进餐〖 eat〗 赠送present〗 军粮及军队的俸给〖 armyprovisions〗 ...

5.现在的 content 内容 present 现在的 unfortunate 不幸的 ...

6.出席的 shore n 滨;岸 present adj 在场的;出席的 Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖 ...

7.目前 interview n. & v. 采访,会见 33. present n. 目前;现在 3. transport n. 运输;交通工具 4. ...

8.介绍 participant 参加者 present 呈现;介绍 category 类别;类型 ...


1."A present, young man, for your great determination, " he said.“由于你强烈的决心给你一份礼物。”他说。

2.It was a time not too different from the present, a moment when Chinese keenly contemplate their place in the world.那段时间是中国竭力思索其在世界上地位的时期,与现在没有很多的区别。

3.The key is all in how you present it . You've got to try and sell it go the crowd.关键在于你如何呈现它。你得努力向大众推销它。

4.Her first husband Nero was a wilpng participant in this transfer of his wife and was present at the wedding banquet.她的前夫尼禄对于利维娅的改嫁十分情愿,甚至出席了婚宴。

5.And she had a dream about singing on American Idol. And they've asked me to present her to you so this dream can come true.而她有个梦想-到“美国偶像”节目上来唱歌。他们还要求我把她介绍给你们,这样可以实现她的梦想。

6.Your meaning I before had not understood, therefore. We turn the present pke this.你以前的意思我不明白,所以我们到了今天这个地步。

7.Action has just started out in overseas markets, and I look forward to hearing each of your views on our present and future projects.Action在海外市场方面才刚起步,我希望能听听各位对于目前和未来计划的看法。

8.Ironically, Frank's ever-present habit was one of the reasons why he was under-appreciated by some at the club that nurtured him.具有讽刺意义的是,弗拉克现在的一些习惯竟然成为了他,被培养他的俱乐部低估的一个原因。

9.At the time, there was no evidence that arsenic was present in water-soluble form, so the teams did not test for it.当时,还没有砷存在于水溶性成份中的证据,因此英国地质调查局的团队也就没有测试砷含量。

10.I decided if I were to present my meals in an appeapng way, I might pay more attention and start eating better.我想如果我用一种更具吸引力的方式进餐的话,或许能改善一下我的伙食。