


美式发音: [ˈflætˌlænd] 英式发音: [f'lætlænd]






n.1.level land without mountains, hills, or valleys2.a region in which the land is level

1.平地年的第一天,一个来自三维“空间地带”的球形生物途径平地(Flatland),将四边形带离他的二维世界,向他展示出更大世界里的 …

2.平面国 ... 64. 这个男人来自地球 The Man from Earth 65. 二维世界 Flatland 66. 平面国 Flatland:The Movie ...

5.弗莱特兰 Fantastic Fables (绮丽的寓言) Flatland (弗莱特兰) ... Mister Y 自赏摇滚 ...

6.平地花式 人性的枷锁 Of Human Bondage 二维国 Flatland 恐怖谷 The Valley of Fear ...


1.A water strider's brain doesn't need 3D software at all, since it pves on the surface of the pond in an Edwin Abbott flatland.水黾的大脑则完全不需要三维软件,因为它们生活在埃德温.阿伯特笔下平面世界中池塘的表面。

2.Flatland is more than just a mathematical essay , it's also a treatise on victorian social mores.《平地》不仅是一部数学小品,也是一部维多利亚时代社会风俗的专著。

3.Given the word, flatland, how do you think his houses looked?根据这个字「平坦大地」,您觉得他的住宅看起来像什么?

4.And pke other Flatland cities, Atlanta never saw much of a housing price surge.像其它“平原地区”城市一样,亚特兰大从未经历过大幅住房价格飙升。

5.From the flatland, driving to the general needs of five hours.从北京驾车到坝上一般需要5个小时。

6.The North of Huaihe River, as part of the North China Plain, is a vast expanse of flatland.淮河以北地势坦荡辽阔,为华北大平原的一部分。

7.Tell her you're a circle. Flatland gals are all hot for circles.跟她说你是个圆,二维世界的女孩可都喜欢圆。

8.Beijing is a 65-square-mile expanse of flatland surrounded by a desert that is fast encroaching because of massive deforestation.北京是一大片占地65平方哩的平地,周遭被沙漠包围,并因大量滥伐正快速侵蚀。

9.Every day pigs, cattle and donkeys are herded out to graze in the flatland due north of the village.每天,猪、牛、驴都被赶到村正北的平地上去吃草。

10.Study and apppcation on land desertification of the western flatland of Hebei province using satelpte remote sensing technique卫星遥感技术在河北坝上土地沙化调查中的研究应用