

press on

美式发音: 英式发音: 

na.向前挤;坚决推进;“press ahead”的变体



v.give up

v.continue,push on,forge ahead,keep going,carry on


na.1.向前挤,赶紧向前走2.坚决推进3.“press ahead”的变体

na.1.The variant of press ahead

1.压迫式接触·压迫式接触(Press-on)结构设计 第64-66页 ·交叉轴寄生效应 第66页


1.Of course, Google is going to press on with its social strategy, but simply because it makes sense, not out of fear of any other company.当然,Goolge会加强自身的社会化战略,但这仅因为此举极具意义,而非出自对其它公司的恐惧。

2.The pattern is that of an economic upturn beginning to press on primary producing capacity, and in the UK on the labour market too.当前的总体局势是,新一轮经济复苏正对初级产品的产能形成压力,在英国还对劳动力市场形成压力。

3.In 2009, newly elected President Obama vowed to press on in Afghanistan in a fight he said the United States had to win.2009年,新当选的美国总统奥巴马发誓将阿富汗战争继续下去,并说美国只能获胜。

4.Someone uploaded her videos and skyrocketed her to internet stardom; leopard clothing, press-on nails and jungle dancers included.某人把她的影片上传之后一鸣惊人,自此奠定她在网络世界的明星地位;当然也包括她的豹纹装、假指甲与丛林舞者。

5.He urged Vader not to press on in a fight he could not win, but the Sith Lord's arrogance got the better of him.他恳求维德别再冲上来了,因为这场战斗他赢不了,但西斯尊主的狂妄自大占据着维德。

6.Your immediate concern is to press on with your own preparations, but how wonderful that with your uppftment there is so much to gain.你们最需要关心的就是加快自己的准备工作,而且现在与你们提升一起到来的奇妙事物同时也有这么多的理由去赢得。

7.You can stay with it longer because God is with you. He'll enable you to press on. Remember, you are never a failure until you quit.你可以与它共处更长的时间,因为上帝与你同在。他会促使你坚持。你要记得,在你放弃之前,你都不会是一个失败者。

8.Lily: Yes, it's wind instrument with keys for the fingers to press on. The body is made of brass, and is usually curved.莉莉:这是有手指可以按动按键的管乐器的一种。而且是铜制的弯曲乐器。

9.They call, even in Iraq, Afghanistan or Somapa such a place, you can hardly imagine that once there is so much press on board.他们称,即使是在伊拉克、阿富汗或者索马里这种地方,你也很难想象会一次有这麽多记者遇难。

10.Having come this far with the single currency, Europe has no choice but to press on towards full economic and poptical integration.欧洲在单一货币的道路上已经走到了眼前这一步,而今除了推进经济和政治领域的全面融合,已别无选择。