



美式发音: [prɪˈtend] 英式发音: [prɪ'tend]



第三人称单数:pretends  现在分词:pretending  过去式:pretended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pretend notice


v.make bepeve,imagine,fantasize,make up,play



v.1.假托,借口;假装,装做;(戏剧等中)装扮2.诈,骗...说 (that);自命,自称;要求,妄想3.假装,装作4.以...自居;自封,自称;要求,妄想,觊觎(to);求婚(to)1.假托,借口;假装,装做;(戏剧等中)装扮2.诈,骗...说 (that);自命,自称;要求,妄想3.假装,装作4.以...自居;自封,自称;要求,妄想,觊觎(to);求婚(to)

v.1.to behave in a particular way because you want someone to bepeve that something is true when it is not2.to imagine that something is true when you are playing a game3.to claim that something is true when it is not

adj.1.imaginary. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children

1.假装 balloon n. 气球 pretends vt. 假装, 装扮, (作为藉口或理由)伪称 obsession n. 迷住, 困扰 ...

2.装扮 balloon n. 气球 pretends vt. 假装, 装扮, (作为藉口或理由)伪称 obsession n. 迷住, 困扰 ...


1.For instance, Madison and Clark bump into an old friend, Peter, on the street, but Peter pretends not to see them and walks right past.麦迪生和克拉克在街上撞见一位老朋友皮特,但皮特却假装没看见他们,向右走去。

2.He pretends to care so much about his children, but it's all eyewash : he never even takes them out.他貌似很关心自己的孩子,其实都是假像,他从来不带他们出去。

3.But Li is no fool, however infatuated he might be with his sister-in-law, he only pretends to buy into her scheme to consummate his lust.但厉不是傻瓜,无论怎样被他的嫂子冲昏头脑,他只是假装同意她的计划,以满足他的欲望。

4.She told me that she was deceived by a young man who pretends to white-collar.她告诉我她被一个自称为白领的年轻人欺骗了。

5.The 'denier' pretends problems don't exist; this person may have grown up in a family where everyone feared facing unpleasant emotions.“否定者”则假装问题并不存在,这种人的家人可能都害怕正视不愉快的情绪。

6.He is too fat to cpmb up a tree. So he throws himself on the ground, closes his eyes, and pretends to be dead.他太胖了以至于不能爬上树,因此他躺在地上,闭上眼睛假死。

7.He pretends to her face that she's the best teacher he's ever had, but he says nothing but nasty things behind her back.他当着老师的面假装表示,她是他所有老师当中最好的一个。可是,背着她,他尽说一些难听的话。

8.After Nina briefs him on Cofell's background Jack calls the man's office and pretends to be an old friend.在尼娜简要地将科菲尔的背景告知了杰克之后,杰克打电话到科菲尔的办公室,假称自己是一个老朋友。

9.The guards from the company arrive, and Teri pretends to look for her purse to show them ID.安防公司的保安来到了现场,泰瑞自称要从她的手提包中寻找身份证拿给他们看。

10.But of the stronger power to which it pretends and of which the press bosses dream-to make and break governments.但它假装出来的及新闻界老总们梦想的威力——如建立或推翻政府。