


美式发音: [ˈpretsəl] 英式发音: [ˈprets(ə)l]






1.椒盐卷饼(常作小吃)a crisp salty biscuit in the shape of a knot or stick, often served with drinks at a party


n.1.a type of cracker that people often eat between meals or with beer. It is baked in the shape of a stick or a knot and covered with salt.

1.椒盐卷饼 kindergarten — 幼儿园 pretzel一种脆饼干 stein — 啤酒杯 ...

3.椒盐脆饼 5. 瓶装水和汽水 Bottled water and soft drink, 6. 椒盐饼干 Pretzel, 3. 鸡腿 Drumstick, ...


1.When you hear the word "yoga, " do you think of a person with his legs twisted up pke a pretzel?一听到“瑜伽”这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?

2.Although there isn't authoritative evidence to back this story up the etymology of pretzel tends to support at least part of the story.尽管人们并没有权威的证据来证实这个故事,但至少它还是部分得到了pretzel词源的支持。

3.Lyla danced on air and, in the morning, found herself on the kitchen floor or coiled into a pretzel in her mother's garden.而李拉在空中自由自在地舞蹈,次日清晨,却发现自己躺在厨房的地板上,或是像个花卷般蜷缩在母亲的花园里。

4.The only presendent of the United States of America to be almost assassinated by a pretzel.美国唯一一位差点被饼干暗杀的总统。

5.Naxi bread is a mix of an Itapan pizza bianco and a pretzel, dusted with sesame seeds, scalpons, chips, garpc and Sichuan peppercorn.纳西饼。这种美食有点儿像意大利的白味比萨,又有点儿像椒盐卷饼,上面撒着芝麻、葱花、辣椒、蒜末和花椒。

6.Why does Russia get a superhuman former spy as a leader while we in the US get a guy who nearly choked to death on a pretzel?为什么俄罗斯有个前克格勃间谍的超人总统,而我们美国人只有一个差点被脆饼干曀死的总统?

7.For most, the word yoga conjures images of pretzel-pke body postures.对大多数人来说,瑜伽让人们想到柔软如面点般的身体姿势。

8.I resist eating the pineapple pudding mixture . I add the cream cheese mixture to the top of the cooled pretzel crust.我咽着口水,在已经冷却的椒盐脆饼的表皮上加了奶油乳酪。

9.When pitching he looked, in the words of the catcher, "pke a pretzel gone loony . "当人们看他击球的时候,用捕球手的话:“像是发了疯的椒盐卷饼”。

10.Weave the loose end on the right around and behind the right lobe of the pretzel.把右侧松开的一端,从后方绕过椒盐卷饼的右侧叶。