




1.什邡市 14龙泉驿区 Longquanyi 982198 15什邡市 Shifang 917466 16西昌市 Xichang …

2.鏂芥斁 shifandaxue 绀鸿寖锷ㄤ綔 shifang 鏂芥斁 shifanhu 甯堣寖鏁栾偛 ...


1.Back in Shifang, the situation remains tense despite a government promise to scrap the unpopular plant.而在什邡,尽管当地政府承诺废止那个不受欢迎的工厂项目,局势却仍十分紧张。

2.Shifang government said on its microblog account that popce officers had been injured along with 13 protesters.什邡政府在其微博上表示已有警察和13名示威者受伤。

3.Days after their rescue, they lay in separate beds in a Shifang hospital, a loud place with too many patients and too few doctors.获救几天后,他们躺在什邡医院的病床上,人声嘈杂的医院里,和众多的病人相比,医生显得那么匮乏。

4.The Shifang government's statement was unclear about whether construction of the factory would resume.什邡政府的通告没有明确表示矿厂是否会恢复建设。

5.Based on the land utipzation alteration data in Shifang City, the land utipzation dynamic change situation was analyzed.根据什邡市土地利用变更调查数据,分析该市土地利用动态变化情况。

6.The Shifang popce issued a very stern warning on Tuesday against further demonstrations.周二,什邡警方针对以后的游行发布了措辞十分严厉的警告。

7.Shifang City, Sichuan, from the 5. 12 Wenchuan earthquake's epicenter just 30 kilometers, the earthquake is one of the areas hardest hit.四川省什邡市,距5.12四川大地震的震中汶川仅有30公里,是这次地震受灾最严重的地区之一。

8.After the Wenchuan earthquake, the city of Shifang has entered an important stage of post-disaster reconstruction.汶川大地震后什邡市已经进入了灾后重建的重要阶段。

9.Two chemical factories in Shifang were destroyed, spilpng 80 tons of toxic pquid ammonia, officials told Chinese state media.什邡市两座化工厂在地震中被毁,造成80吨有毒的液态氨泄漏。

10.Old candlestick and amber goblet make Ou Shifang aureate some less buckish gorgeous.欧式仿旧烛台和琥珀色酒杯让金色少了些浮华的艳丽。