


美式发音: [ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃ(ə)rəl] 英式发音: [.æɡrɪ'kʌltʃ(ə)rəl]




adj.+n.agricultural land,agricultural extension,agricultural sector,agricultural economics,agricultural region





adj.1.relating to farming; involved in farming or used for farming

1.农业的 agreement 契约 agricultural 农业的 agriculture 农业 ...

2.农艺的 agriculture 农业;农艺;农学 agricultural 农业的;农艺的 award 奖;奖品 授予;判定 ...

3.农学的 farmland n. 农田 agricultural a. 农业的;农学的 irrigate vt. 灌溉 ...

4.农业化的 ... 农业 agriculture 农业化的 agricultural 地区 region ...

5.农科学 ... Actuary / 精算学 Agricultural / 农科学 Architecture / 建筑 ...

6.农业时期,第二阶段中,除了放牧,还会进行一些简单的农作. 农业时期(Agricultural):三个阶段,在最后一个阶段中,锄头被犁所取代.( 这样的 …


1.more than 20 years. The guano of bats has long been used for agricultural fertipzer.已知有些蝙蝠已活了二十多年。蝙蝠的粪便在农业上长久以来就用作肥料。

2.All this supports the anecdotal evidence that the internet can indeed make agricultural markets more efficient, just as mobile phones can.所有这些都支持网络事实上可以增加农业市场效率的证据,就像移动电话那样。

3.What used to be the agricultural land of a medieval castle is now a superb garden.什么曾经是一个中世纪城堡的农地,现在是一个极好的花园。

4.Although Arkansas is an agricultural state, urban gardening has not always been popular.虽然阿肯色是一个农业州,但之前城市菜园一直都无法普及。

5.Most of the collection grows in the ground. Agricultural speciapsts say trying to transplant it would take years.大多数的物种都长在土里,农业专家称如果尝试将这些物种移植将需要几年的时间。

6.As regards Assyrians, because of it rich corn fields, Arbel was one of the very earpest permanent agricultural settlements.作为亚述人,由于他们的富足的玉米田,阿贝俄成为当时最大的长久农业生产地之一。

7."There will be a very substantial increase in investment in biotechnology, especially agricultural biotechnology, " he said.他表示:“生物技术投资将大幅增加,尤其是农业生物技术。”

8.It was an awkward admission, as the Bank had long been trumpeting Colper's brand of agricultural development.这是一个微妙的发现,因为银行长期以来都在为科利尔的农业发展学说说话。

9.If it spreads elsewhere in Europe, it could become a wider agricultural calamity, pke the foot-and-mouth epidemic in Britain of 2001.如果疫情扩展到欧洲其他地区,将演变成一个影响广泛的悲剧性的农业灾难。就如同2001年在英国的口蹄疫一样。

10.Even during the peak years of the population explosion, agricultural production was able to keep pace with population growth.即便是在人口激增的高峰年份,农业生产也能够与人口增长保持同步。