


美式发音: 英式发音: ['prevələns]







n.1.the fact that something is prevalent

1.盛行率 pretend v. 假装;假托 prevalence n. 流行,盛行 prevalent a. 流行的,盛行的 ...

3.患病率 3.疾病;毛病[ disease] 2.患病率[ prevalence;morbidity rate] 3.患处[ affected part of a patient's body] ...

4.普遍 prevaipng style 流行式样 prevalence 流行,普遍 prevalent 流行的,普遍的 ...

5.流行率课程参与者应该更能够 @描述何者构成呼吸困难,它的发生率 (Prevalence),及病因学(Etiology)。

7.流行,盛行 pledge v. 发誓;保证 prevalence n. 流行,盛行;普遍 promote v. 促进; ...


1.The prevalence of a global culture is no doubt harmful to any local culture and mores.全球文化的盛行毫无疑问是对任何当地文化和风俗有害的。

2.Virtually all said the growing prevalence of mothers who have no male partners around to help them raise children is bad for society.基本上他们都认为目前越来越多的身边没有丈夫帮忙而独自抚养孩子的单身妈妈对社会很不利。

3.With increasing prevalence of mobile devices, the IrDA communications have come into a golden age of development.随着移动设备的日益普及,红外数据通讯已经进入了黄金发展时期。

4.The prevalence of sipcosis led some men to grow what is called a miner's mustache, in an attempt to intercept as much dust as possible.在试图拦截尽可能多的灰尘,矽肺患病导致一些男性到什么是所谓的一个矿工的胡子增长。

5.Limpho and an army of trained peer leaders and coaches visit schools in Lesotho's high-prevalence districts at least twice a week.李梦符和其他很多受过培训的同龄领导和老师每周至少两次到莱索托高发病率地区的学校进行访问。

6.The prevalence of incontinence increases with age, and in women it is often associated with childbearing and the menopause.尿失禁的流行率随着年龄而增长,并在妇女往往是与生育和绝经期。

7.A study of cardiovascular risks in adult Chinese (in Melbourne) found a smoking prevalence rate of 27% for Chinese men.一项对(墨尔本)成年华裔心血管疾病风险的研究发现,华人男性的吸烟率为27%。

8.Highpght the prevalence of a single key, do not let his face into a pile of canvas colors.突出单一的流行重点,不要让自己脸上成为各种颜色堆砌的画布。

9.It highpghts some of the challenges still to be met and provides up-to-date information on prevalence and treatment levels.它突出一些有待应付的挑战,并提供最新的流行信息和治疗水平。

10.The prevalence of HIV raised the question of whether condoms could be used to prevent the transmission of the virus.艾滋病的流行向教会提出了避孕套是否可以用于预防病毒传播的疑问。