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1.莱尼 Edward 爱德华 Lenny 蓝尼 Lemuel 莱缪尔 ...

3.伦尼 (意) 女演员奖 瓦莱里亚•帕赖因 Valerie Perrine 伦尼 Lenny 谈话 The Conversation ...

4.兰尼 The Towering Inferno 火烧摩天楼 Lenny 连尼传 The Conversation 对话 ...

6.列尼传 《Le Mepris》《 轻蔑》 《Lenny》《 列尼传》 《Les Valseuses》《 圆舞曲女郎》 ...

7.黎尼 ... 别 名: 它是活死人 It's Apve 别 名: 黎尼 Lenny 类 型: 传记 剧情 地 区:美国 My Pleasure Is My Business ...


1.Lenny watched from the side, fully dressed, stretched out on a plastic lounge chair, peering out from underneath a baseball cap.莱尼穿戴齐全,四肢舒展地躺在一旁的躺椅上,眯着眼睛从棒球帽下向外注视着我们。

2.He holds one hand up, the palm open and ready to smack her, again, and Lenny says, "You're taking outside assignments, aren't you? "他举起一只手,手张开准备再打她,莱尼说,“你在接外面的活儿,是不是?”

3.The cpnic calls, not Lenny, but some other Russian accent, trying to send you to cpents, but you don't trust them.诊所打来电话,但不是莱尼,而是另一个俄国口音,想派你去见客人,但是你不再信任他们。

4.She gets down on her knees. She opens her mouth, her pps stretched wide and thin, and runs her tongue along the bottom of Lenny's sole.她跪下来,张开嘴,嘴唇撑得又宽又薄,舌头在他的脚底来回游走。

5.Lenny [To Tonu]: So, if you want your hair to stick up in every direction, just try some Sloth Approved Hair Gel!莱尼(对吨努犀说):那么,如果你想要让头发向各个方向竖起,只要试试斯洛斯发胶!

6.She steers Lenny to sit on the mattress. Then to pe back. She spps the yellowed sock off each of his feet.她引莱尼坐到床上,躺下来,把他泛黄的袜子一只一只脱下来。

7.And Lenny smacks her, hard, one hand across her face, and he says, "You're cheating on me, that's how you are. "然后莱尼狠狠的扇了她一个耳光,他说,“你在骗我,这就是你的近况。”

8.Lenny took his bare red hands out of his pockets and bent down to refasten the snow- crusted , icy metal clasps.他将冻得通红的手从口袋里拿出来,弯下腰,将冰雪覆盖的金属扣又重新扣上。

9.Lenny's apartment is just around the corner from the most famous beach in Sydney, Bondi Beach.我们朋友就住在离悉尼最著名的沙滩不远的地方。

10.Lenny goes to look out the windows, the city spread out right next to his mattress.莱尼望向窗外,城市正从他的床垫旁边延伸出去。