


美式发音: [prɪˈvenʃən] 英式发音: [prɪˈvenʃ(ə)n]



复数:preventions  同义词反义词





1.预防;防止;防范the act of stopping sth bad from happening

accident/crime prevention防止事故╱犯罪

the prevention of disease疾病的预防

a fire prevention officer消防官员

IDMprevention is better than cure预防优于补救;防患于未然是上策it is better to stop sth bad from happening rather than try to deal with the problems after it has happened

n.1.预防;预防法;P- is better than cure. 【谚】医病不如防病2.阻止,制止;妨碍,阻碍;妨碍物

n.1.the act of preventing something, or things that people do in order to prevent something

1.预防 kitten 小猫 prevention 防止,阻止 problem 问题 ...

3.妨碍 blood n. 血液;流血; 血统 prevention n. 预防;阻止;妨碍 persuade vt. 说服;劝服;使某人相信 ...

4.防止 kitten 小猫 prevention 防止,阻止 problem 问题 ...

5.预防措施 Elbow:Golfer's Elbow 高尔夫球肘 Back Pain:Prevention 预防背痛 Elbow:Tennis Elbow 网 …

8.防范发生防范发生prevention) ★★★★☆时刻准备 (preparation) ★★☆☆☆☆ 积极参与 (participation) ★★★☆☆ 危中找机 (prog…


1.If somebody made the breakthrough that led to the prevention of breast cancer, it would win a Nobel Prize, she said.她说,只要有人在乳房癌预防方面取得突破,他肯定能得诺贝尔奖。

2.Current drug prevention of PEP is not satisfactory, and there has not been a single drug which can effectively prevent PEP.药物预防PEP的现状不容乐观,目前尚无一种药物可有效预防PEP;

3.The bank said it is trying to better integrate fraud prevention and corruption prevention generally into its operations.世行表示,它正试图在运营中更好地结合防范欺诈和腐败的措施。

4.This increase is often occurring in countries with few methods of prevention, control or treatment.这些增长通常发生在缺乏预防、控制和治疗措施的国家中。

5.Star Star Cool Sites Cool Sites Third, after the audit in the matter and prior to the transfer of risk prevention.星酷网星酷网三、审计时从事后向事中及事前转移,防范风险。

6.Sonya was one of scores of worried homeowners seeking advice at a recent cpnic on foreclosure prevention at Miami-Dade College.桑娅是一个分数不安业主的定见,追求在近来的诊所就赎预防在迈阿密-达德学院。

7.But the evidence is not conclusive, and there is no consensus on how much of the vitamin would be needed for disease prevention.但证据并不确定,产且对具体多少维生素才能防止疾病并无达成共识。

8.To compare the long-term Pharmacia-economic effect of Aspirin with that of Ticlopidine in prevention of the recurrence of stroke.比较阿司匹林和噻氯匹啶预防脑卒中复发的长期药物经济学效果。

9.Trying to manage prevention in otherwise healthy people would overwhelm both cardiologists and primary care physicians.让其他方面都健康的人们进行预防,使心脏病学家们和从事一线治疗的医生们都感到难以应付。

10.And yet only a fraction of every health care dollar goes to prevention or pubpc health.但是,现在我们只有极小部分的医疗卫生支出被用于预防和公共卫生环节。