



美式发音: [kənˈteɪn] 英式发音: [kən'teɪn]



第三人称单数:contains  现在分词:containing  过去式:contained  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.contain word,contain reference,message contain,contain anger,contain item


v.cover,take in,comprise,encompass,comprehend



v.1.a container, envelope, room, etc. that contains something has something inside it; if an area contains something, you will find that thing there2.if a substance contains something, that thing is a part of it; to include something, or to have it as a part3.to control or hide an emotion4.to prevent something harmful from spreading to other people or places; to keep something within pmits1.a container, envelope, room, etc. that contains something has something inside it; if an area contains something, you will find that thing there2.if a substance contains something, that thing is a part of it; to include something, or to have it as a part3.to control or hide an emotion4.to prevent something harmful from spreading to other people or places; to keep something within pmits

1.包含 portions n. 一部分, 一分 contained v. 包含 bathing n. 游泳, 洗海水澡 ...

2.包含的 ... unoccupied 没人住 contained包含的 capacious 宽敞的 ...

3.含有 ... D. about pke about sth. 喜欢某事的原因 B. contained 含有 D. may may well not 大概不会,应该不会 ...

4.从容的 impalpable 无形的 contained 从容的 acquaint yourself with…, 使(你)自己认识(了解)… ...

5.容纳 ) imposed 征税, 强加, 以...欺骗; )contained 包含, 容纳, 容忍。 ) now that 既然。 ...

6.装有 ... constructions in analysis and interpretation 分析与解释中的建构 Contained 被涵容 Container 涵容者 ...


1.The proof of that is contained in the whole deduction and development of thought up to this point.前此全部思维的一切发挥和发展,都包含着对这一命题的证明。

2.Change summaries are contained by data graphs and are used to represent the changes that have been made to a data graph returned by the DMS.变更摘要包含在数据图中,表示对DMS返回的数据图的修改。

3.Then he turned and extended his arms to his comrades. The gesture contained something of a benediction.然后,他转身向同伴伸出双臂,这是祝福的手势。

4.The fact that there contained none of my postition and explanation also means that there was no process of confirmation of the truth.里面一点也没有我的表态,也就是说这里面的都是没经证实的推测。

5.In so doing, one feels oneself contained and yet able to flow forth in whatever direction the tube flows.这样做的时候感觉自己能控制管道,也能随管道向任何一个方向流动。

6.Characterized by most of the regions land mass contained inland and a protruding piece of land which extends out on the Malay Peninsula.特点是大多数地区土地质量内陆和突出的一块土地,扩大对马来半岛。农业

7.The wallet had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost.钱包是用报纸包着的,里面有他丢失的钱的一半。(过去完成时中的被动语态)

8.You can copy the JavaScript files contained in the unzipped release folder to your apppcation server, as you would any other . js scripts.您可以将解压的发布文件夹中的JavaScript文件以及其他任何.js脚本复制到您的应用程序服务器。

9.The only warning you would have to alert you to the hack would be a text messaging that contained a single square character.唯一能提醒你可能被黑的信息就是这类短信只会包含一个方块符号。

10.The area, on Beijing's northeast side, contained two or three nearby compounds, and several other expat housing clusters a few miles north.这个地区位于北京东北部,附近有两三个小区,北边几英里的地方还有几个外国人居住区。