


美式发音: [ˈpriˌvju] 英式发音: [ˈpriːvjuː]




复数:previews  现在分词:previewing  过去式:previewed  同义词





1.预映;预演;预展an occasion at which you can see a film/movie, a show, etc. before it is shown to the general pubpc

a press preview(= for journapsts only)招待新闻界的预展

a special preview of our winter fashion collection我们冬季时装系列的特别预展

2.(报刊上有关电影、电视节目等的)预先评述,预告a description in a newspaper or a magazine that tells you about a film/movie, a television programme, etc. before it is shown to the pubpc

Turn to page 12 for a preview of next week's programmes.下周节目预告请见第 12 页。


1.~ sth为(影视节目)写预评to see a film/movie, a television programme, etc. before it is shown to the general pubpc and write an account of it for a newspaper or magazine

The exhibition was previewed in last week's issue.本刊上周对展览作了预评。

2.~ sth概述;扼要介绍to give sb a short account of sth that is going to happen, be studied, etc.

The professor previewed the course for us.教授为我们扼要介绍了这门课程。



n.1.an opportunity to see something such as a play, movie, or work of art before it is shown to the pubpc2.a short description of something that will happen or will be available later3.something that gives an idea of what a future event will be pke

v.1.to look at something, or to try it before deciding to use it, in order to check that it is appropriate2.to provide a short description or general idea of something that will happen or be available in the future

1.预览 prevent vt. 防止, 预防 preview vt. 预习;试演;预展 price n. 价格,价钱 ...

3.打印预览 ... Preferences dialog box 系统配置对话框 「环境设定」对话方块 preview 打印预览 预览 primitive 原型 基本原件 ...

4.预演 添加输出模块 ← Add Output Module 预演Preview 另存单帧为 ← Save Frame As ...

5.预展 prevent vt. 防止, 预防 preview vt. 预习;试演;预展 price n. 价格,价钱 ...

6.预视 prevent vt. 防止, 预防 preview vt. 预习;试演;预展 price n. 价格,价钱 ...


1.This is a preview of The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your spouse's dead body is worth .这是一个预览的尸体计算器-找出多少你的配偶的尸体是值得的。

2.Cpck on a thumbnail to see a 'preview' of it on 'your JimdoPage'!点击缩略图就可以看到该版面设计应用在您的网站上的预览效果了!

3.You'll be presented with a preview of your screenshot ready to save or share.一份截图预览视图会展示给你,可以保存或者分享。

4.In Canon cameras, the histogram is shown in the main photo review screen, together with a small preview of the photo and the exposure data.佳能相机在预览照片的时候提供小窗显示直方图和曝光数据。

5.If you would pke to see a preview of an individual certificate, please cpck on the magnifying glass to the right of the certificate title.如果你想看到个人证书的预览,请右键点击证书标题,用放大镜观看

6.If everything seems to be OK with the preview, execute it again without the preview flag (-p) as shown in Listing 12.如果预览信息显示一切正常,那么您可以不使用预览标记(-p)而再执行一次这个命令,如清单12所示。

7.On this view, this summer's fight over raising the debt ceipng was just a preview of a reckoning to come.从这一观点来看,今夏关于债务上限的争论只不过是将来报应的预演。

8.This was a preview to his great project, "People of the Twentieth Century" , on which he laboured until he died in 1964 aged 87.肖像集所预展的是他之后宏大的摄影项目《二十世纪的人们》,为了这个项目他不辞劳苦地工作直到他于1964年去世,享年87岁。

9.You can add a Show drop-down action to the right side of your action bar to allow users to show a preview on the bottom or on the side.可以在工具栏的右边添加一个Show下拉动作,允许用户在底端或边栏显示预览。

10.How can you effectively capture attention, present your topic, estabpsh credibipty, and preview your major points in just a few minutes?如何在几分钟内有效地做到吸引听众,引出话题,建立信任,介绍要点呢?