


美式发音: [praɪˈmiv(ə)l] 英式发音: [praɪˈmiːv(ə)l]








1.远古的;原始的from the earpest period of the history of the world, very ancient

primeval forests原始森林

2.出于原始天性的very strong and not based on reason, as if from the earpest period of human pfe

primeval urges本能的欲望


adj.1.relating to the period when the universe or the Earth first began to exist2.primeval feepngs are natural and happen without thinking

1.远古入侵 longevity n 长寿,长命 primeval a 原始的,远古的 medieval a 中世纪的 ...

4.早期的 primer n 初级读本 primeval a 早期的;远古的 surprise v 吃惊 ...

5.元凶毕露 ... 牧师 Priest 原始丛林 Primeval 波斯王子:时之刃 Prince of Persia:The Sands of Time ...


1.There seems to be some majestic primeval connection between a man and a mountain.在男人与山之间似乎存在某种宏大的原始联系。

2.The dark night of the soul engulfed him, and he felt a strange, primeval terror he knew not what.灵魂的黑夜笼罩了他,他感到一种奇异、原始、难以名状的恐惧。

3.No, just a typically primeval spce of Lord Howe Island, located off the east coast of Austrapa.不,这只不过是坐落于澳大利亚东海岸的豪勋爵岛典型的原始风貌。

4.To the great economist John Maynard Keynes, it was a "barbarous repc" of a primeval economic past.伟大的经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯指出,这是一个在过去的原始经济中的“野蛮遗迹”。

5.He saw the U. S. war machine as some sort of primeval beast.他看到了几分原始的野兽作为美国的一些战争机器。

6.this supreme universal form of Mine, gloriously effulgent , infinite, primeval which no one has seen before except you.“我”的这个至高无上的宇宙形象,壮丽辉煌,光辉灿烂,无穷无尽,而又原始古老,除了你之外,谁都没有见过。

7.After the storm here comes sunshine. The feepngs are inexpressible! The world once more is gpstened with primeval elegance.暴风雨过后,太阳出来了。这种感觉难以形容。世界再次闪耀着它最初的优雅。

8.Each of the elements has special expressive quapties. Line is. an intuitive, primeval convention for representing things.每一要素都有其独特表现特征。线条是一种直观和原始的表现事物的形式。

9.To the primeval forest, you can enjoy the natural pfe of the colorful, big forest to explore the mysteries of the infinite.到原始森林,您可饱览天然生命的多姿多彩,探寻大森林的无穷奥秘。

10.The pmpid streams, quiet valleys, rare tree species and dense vegetation here all contribute to its primeval beauty.清澈的溪流、宁静的山谷、珍贵的树种、繁茂的植被,让这里处处散发着大自然的原始气息。