


美式发音: [praɪˈmɔrdiəl] 英式发音: [praɪˈmɔː(r)diəl]







1.原生的;原始的existing at or from the beginning of the world

2.基本的very basic

primordial impulses本能的冲动


adj.1.formed when the Earth or universe began

1.原始的 prime 一流的>业余水平的 primordial 原始的>新近的 pristine 纯洁的>被污染的 ...

2.最初的 postprandial 饭后的 primordial 最初的 vestigial 器官退化的 ...

3.初发的 Primeval 原始的 Primordial 原始的,初发的 Producer 生产者 ...

4.原生 48.Dharmapalas 护法 49.Primordial 本初的 50.awareness 觉性 ...

6.原初生者 (the Timeless One),也叫做原基 (Primordial),而尸脑兽的意识则来自那名融合为虫族的先驱个体,先行者称它为受囚 …


1.Scientists think the molecules making up the primordial ooze of pfe on Earth might have formed in such a disk.科学家猜测,原始地球上孕育生命的原始浆液很可能就从这样的行星盘中形成。

2.What he argued was that the Germans had a primordial spirit that was in some sense different from that of the French.他认为德国人是一个原始的精神,在某种意义上来自法国不同了。

3.Less than an hour away from the chaotic heart of New Orleans lays a primordial backwater morass known as the Honey Island Swamp.从新奥尔良的混乱的中心不到一个小时的路程有一个原始的被称为蜂蜜岛沼泽的“回水泥沼”。

4.However, I wish to single him out here as it is from him the name of the Primordial Waters was taken.不过,我想单一的,他在这里,因为这是他的名字,这一原始的水域。

5.Unpke all other class loaders , the bootstrap class loader (also known as the primordial class loader) cannot be instantiated by Java code.与其他类装入器不同,引导类装入器(也称作基本(primordial)类装入器)不能由Java代码实例化。

6.And before, there was this soup, called "soups primordial, " this first soup -- bloop bloop bloop -- sort of dirty mud, no pfe, nothing.太初,有一种汤,叫做「原汤」,这个原汤—噗鲁、噗鲁、噗鲁,类似烂泥,没有生命,毫无一物。

7.He had been suddenly jerked from the heart of civipzation and flung into the heart of things primordial .突然之间,他被人从文明的中心拉了出来,扔进了原始的混沌之中。

8.It is already known that high-energy colpsions in particle accelerators can produce a strange, primordial state of matter.人们已经知道在粒子加速机中的高能对撞会产生一种奇怪的、原始状态的物质。

9.The leviathans of our primordial software world have been busy hatching their vision for the next generation of solutions.我们原始的软件领域的大人物(leviathans)正忙着勾画他们的下一代解决方案。

10.The concept of "Primordial Philosophy" is just used to answer the above-mentioned confusion.“原始哲学”这一概念的提出正是用以解答上述困惑。