


美式发音: [ˈʃɪti] 英式发音: ['ʃɪti]





1.令人厌恶的;非常糟糕的unpleasant; very bad

2.不公平的;不厚道的;卑劣的unfair or unkind

What a shitty way to treat a friend!这样对待一个朋友,真做得出来!

adj.1.very bad, boring, or annoying2.shitty behavior is very cruel and unfair

1.较差的 director 主管, 董事 导演 shitty 劣等的;较差的 mean 表示…的意思 ...

2.劣等的 director 主管, 董事 导演 shitty 劣等的;较差的 mean 表示…的意思 ...

3.劣等的,很差的 ... 2. fault: 挑错,挑毛病。 3. shitty: 劣等的,很差的。 4. spooky: 怪异的,可怕 …

4.该死的 segregation 隔离,分离 shitty 该死的,讨厌的 surveillance 监视,盯梢 ...

5.糟透例如你可以说:「我女友的烹饪糟透shitty)了。」即是说她煮出颇难吃的食物。你也可以说“dumpy hotel”,也指糟透或简陋 …


1.Harvay : Oh no, yours may have been shitty, but mine was shittier. Mine was major shitty, you know? Huh?哦,不会,你这一天说不定挺衰的,但是我绝对过得更衰。衰到极点了你知道吧?

2.Drop hints about what shitty human beings their friends are and how they should stop hanging out with them.暗示对方他(她)的朋友真是烂人,应该和这些狐朋狗友断绝往来。

3.If we do happen to make a shitty movie, at least we tried to make it right and didn't rush it.如果我们碰巧拍了一部垃圾电影,至少我们曾经努力想拍好它,而不是草草了事。

4.She said she doesn't know why you're being so shitty to her.她说她不明白你为何把她当狗屎

5.Being spotted in economy class must be pke having your parents visit you at boarding school in a shitty rental car.坐经济舱碰到熟人肯定就像上寄宿学校爸妈来看时被碰到你开着租来的小破车

6.KM: Well, it's kind of a shitty answer but there're a lot of seeds planted for a sixth season if and when there is a sixth season.虽然答案是有点烂,不过其实我们在那里播了很多为第六季而开的种子,假如真有第六季的话。

7.Neo: Yeah everybody. We got a world class shitty party for you tonight.嘿,同学们。今天给大家带来的是世界级的傻逼派对。

8.Back when he sold ads to a shitty newspaper in Canyon, Texas.当他在德克萨斯州峡谷把广告卖给一家劣质报纸后回来。

9.How? Giving me one of your shitty DVDs?怎么补?给我一张你的烂片子?

10.Apen Leader's Voice: I'm sure you'll be pleased to be leaving this shitty planet!外星人首领的声音:我肯定你会因为离开这个差劲的星球而感到高兴的!