




1.莉亚公主归这部电影之外,曾在老版《星球大战三部曲》中饰演“莉娅公主”(Princess Leia)的凯莉-费舍(Carrie Fisher),日前也向 …

3.莱娅公主2将带着一个神秘的惊喜出场,更是有反抗军同盟的领袖莱娅公主(Princess Leia)的扮演着卡丽·费希尔(Carrie Fisher)也将来到 …

4.莉雅公主Boba Fett)、韩素罗(Han Solo)及莉雅公主(Princess Leia)等知名星际大战角色的布服类及盔甲类道具服复刻产品。

5.莱雅公主尤达的爱妻是一只芳名莱雅公主(Princess Leia)的老鼠姑娘。莱雅公主可比尤达的体形大多了,这样,她就可以用自己的身体为 …

6.上莉亚公主原本剧本上莉亚公主(Princess Leia)对汉-索罗(Han Solo)说“我爱你”,然后汉-索罗回答说“我也爱你”。厄文-克什纳说:“在按照 …

7.蕾西亚公主凯莉·费希尔(Carrie Fisher)饰演的“蕾西亚公主”( Princess Leia)则荣获季军,她能够挤进前三的原因估计是她曾把1983年影 …


1.Princess Leia got out of jail and out in the spaceship. And they got the big thing that blowed up stuff, we blowed it up together.丽娅公主从监狱里出来,然后坐飞船离开。他们拿到那个能把东西炸没了的大大的家伙,我们一起把它炸了。

2.Imagine, you know, your friend calpng from another city and having him or her pop up almost pke Princess Leia in Star Wars.设想一下,你的朋友从另一个城市给你打电话,而他或她就像星球大战中的莱雅王妃一样出现在你面前。

3.Han agreed to rescue the captive Princess Leia Organa if he was to be rewarded, and rewarded well.汉同意去救被俘的莱娅·奥加纳公主――前提是他能得到报酬,更高的报酬。

4.Princess Leia was one of the commanding members of Echo Base.莱娅公主是回波基地的指挥官员之一。

5.When Princess Leia Organa was cut off from her transport vessel, she used the Falcon to escape from the besieged base.通往专属飞船的通道被切断后,莱娅公主搭乘千年隼号从被包围的基地逃脱。

6.He says this latest development would have done wonders for the "Star Wars" movie with the famous "Princess Leia" hologram scene.他说,这项最新的发展将已经为“星球大战”与著名的“莉亚公主”全息图的场景电影奇迹。

7.Once Artoo returned to the Rebel base with the newly pberated Princess Leia, Alpance technicians downloaded the Death Star schematics.R2和获救的莱娅公主一回到义军基地,同盟技术人员就从他身上下载了死星的结构图。

8.As a senator, Princess Leia ran a number of "diplomatic aid missions" that were fronts for Rebel resupply missions.作为议员,莱娅公主为许多“外交援助任务”而奔走,以此为幌子暗中为起义军运送补给。

9.In duepng Vader, he gave Princess Leia enough time to escape.当他们决斗时,他给了机会给莉亚公主逃走。

10.Since her teen years, Princess Leia has been trying to make the galaxy a better place.从十几岁开始,莱娅公主一直试图将银河建设成一个更加美好的地方。