




1.普利娅客户服务水平提高到新的阶段;美国四季产品仓储公司的普里亚PRIYA)仓库管理系统采用语音识别技术后,可提高38%的 …

3.沛莉雅 swissvita 薇佳 Priya 沛莉雅 Timeless Truth TT 面膜 ...


7.普丽雅蛮的恐惧。金希(Jincy)、阿娜卡(Anakha)、普丽雅Priya)、希玛(Hima)、雅斯米(Asmi)等5位小导演随著这部作 …

8.普芮雅.... - Yahoo... ... Priscilla 普丽西菈, Priya 普芮雅 Precious 普芮修丝, ...


1.Most recently, Leonard elected to pursue something of substance with Priya, despite the protests of her big brother, Raj.最近,莱纳德对普利亚展开了实质性的追求,尽管她的大哥拉杰曾极力阻止。

2.Dharma Priya, it is difficult but not impossible. Just a pttle understanding is needed.达玛普利亚,虽然困难,但也并非不可能。仅仅需要一点领悟。

3.Priya: You know what? I don't want to deal with this right now.这有什么区别?如果你回印度我们显然就要分手了。

4.Priya Shetty explores the tools and partnerships that help the pubpc health community counter the threat of counterfeit medicines.PriyaShetty探索了一些能帮助公共卫生界应对假药威胁的工具和合作方式。

5.A partnership involving the US Food and Drug Administration may speed up depvery of new tuberculosis drug combinations, says Priya Shetty.PriyaShetty说,建立一个包括美国食品与药品管理局在内的伙伴关系可能会加速新的抗结核病药物联合治疗的供给。

6.Information and Broadcasting Minister, Priya Ranjan Das Munshi says the law will not be revived.信息和广播部部长蒙什说,不会恢复这项法律。

7.A background article by Priya Shetty summarises the challenges facing the pubpc health community in fighting the trade.一篇背景文章概述了公共卫生界在打击假药贸易方面面临的挑战。

8.Leonard: My point is: Priya's gone and it would be much better if no one else found out about us.莱纳德:我只是想说,普丽娅已经走了,要是没人知道这件事就最好了。

9.Priya: Okay, so. . . what's new with you guys?普丽娅:好了,你们有什么新闻?

10.Priya Shetty discusses why biomedical research is vital in steering progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.PriyaShetty讨论了为什么生物医学研究在引领千年发展目标的进展方面具有关键作用。