




1.获奖者 获奖者: prizewinner,awardee 获奖者Prize-winner 颁奖者: Promulgation ...


1.I was one of three lucky ones in the category "outstanding person" ; so was the Canadian Nobel Prize winner Robert Mendell.我是三位被幸运地归类为“杰出人士”之中的一个,三人中还有一个是加拿大诺贝尔奖获得者罗伯特·门德尔;

2.The jurors did not know she was physically disabled until the first prize winner was announced.直到宣布第一名得奖人时,裁判才知道她是肢体残障者。

3.He said the Nobel peace prize winner, who has suffered from various illnesses in recent years, was "very healthy and very engaged" .他透露这位近年来受到各种疾病困扰的诺贝尔和平奖得主“非常健康且非常忙碌”。

4.Most American parents do not push their children to get a doctorate or to be a Nobel Prize winner as the top goal in pfe.多半老美父母不要求他们的孩子去取得博士学位或成为诺贝尔得主,作为人生最高目标。

5.Generations of children have been heartened by the thought that this Nobel Prize winner did badly at school, but they're sadly mistaken.这位诺贝尔奖获得者读书成绩不好,一代代的孩子们都对这个想法感到欣慰,但他们大错特错了。

6.I BEpeve that there will BE a Chinese NoBEl Prize winner in biology and medicine within the next decade.相信十年内会有华裔科学家获生物医学奖。

7.Obama received lots of acclaim for appointing Chu, the physicist and a Nobel Prize winner, to run the department of energy.奥巴马在任命朱管理能源部这件事上得到了很多赞赏。朱是一位物理学家及诺贝尔奖得主。

8.Considered a renegade by his peers, Nobel Prize-winner Eric Kandel used a simple model to probe the neural circuitry of memory.被同行视为鬼才的诺贝尔奖得主埃里克·坎德尔用了一个简单的模型来探究记忆的神经回路。

9.When the Nobel Prize winner walked on the platform accompanied by the chairman, the entire hall burst into a great cheer and applause.当诺贝尔奖得主由主席陪同走上讲台时,整个大厅顿时爆发出一阵欢呼声和鼓掌声。

10.Even popular songs of the week is not the top prize winner, is a hard-won achievements of the first appreciation.即便人气歌谣的周冠军并非最高奖项,却是一个来之不易的对成绩的第一肯定。