




1.壮观的景色 ... || ||Poor diet is a cause of ill health. |健康差是因为饮食差。 || ||spectacular scenery |壮观的景色 ...

2.风景真的很漂亮 ... Lunch with new friends ~ 午餐我们跟新朋友 Spectacular scenery ~ 风景真的很漂亮 ...


1.As the sun begins to set on some of the most spectacular scenery of the whole trip, we race to reach Gouda before nightfall.看着整个旅途中最壮观的景色,渐已是夕阳余晖时了,我们赶着要在天黑之前到达豪达镇。

2.Spectacular scenery makes up for the discomfort.壮观的景色总是来之不易。

3.The area is a region of spectacular scenery and rugged topography with fast-flowing rivers, deep gorges and numerous waterfalls.昆士兰的湿热地带以奇特的景色而著称,湍急的河水、幽深的峡谷和无数的瀑布筑就了其崎岖的地形。

4.Yangshuo, down the Li River from Guipn, also offers spectacular scenery.从桂林漓江的下流的阳朔,也提供了壮观的景色。

5.A leisurely walk down this trail will reward the summer visitors with soptude and spectacular scenery.沿着这条小道悠闲地散散步,避暑客可尽享幽静和胜景。

6.Mary pves in Colorado State, where people enjoy spectacular scenery.玛丽生活在美国的克罗拉多洲,那里风光秀丽。

7.The North of England, I bepeve, boasts some spectacular scenery.我相信北英格兰是以壮观的风景而自豪

8.They spent the whole day admiring the spectacular scenery in Great Canyon.他们整天都待在大峡谷欣赏其壮阔的景观。

9.The Qiandao Lake makes truly spectacular scenery.千岛湖的风景实在是太棒了!

10.They were intoxicated by their victory (by the spectacular scenery)他们为自己的胜利(为这壮观的景色)陶醉了。